Muslim Boy Names A to Z
Here’s a list of Muslim boy names from A to Z, along with their meanings:
(A) Name
- Aamir - Prosperous, full of life
- Aariz - Intelligent, respectable
- Abbas - Lion, stern
- Abdul - Servant of God
- Abdullah - Servant of Allah
- Adeel - Just, fair
- Adil - Just, honest
- Adnan - Settler, one who is well-provided for
- Ahmad - Highly praised, one of the names of the Prophet Muhammad
- Ahsan - The best, most beautiful
- Aiman - Righteous, blessed
- Ainul - Eye, vision
- Akbar - Great, powerful
- Ali - Exalted, noble
- Alif - The first letter of the Arabic alphabet, meaning “first”
- Alim - Scholar, learned
- Almas - Diamond
- Amad - One who is praised
- Amar - Long-lived, prosperous
- Ameen - Trustworthy, faithful
- Amir - Prince, commander
- Anas - Affection, friendliness
- Arham - Most merciful
- Arif - Knowledgeable, wise
- Arman - Hope, aspiration
- Asad - Lion
- Asif - Brave, courageous
- Ashraf - Noble, honorable
- Ayaan - Gift of God
- Ayham - Brave, bold
- Ayman - Right-handed, blessed
- Azhar - Radiant, luminous
- Azim - Great, mighty
- Adham - Dark, black
- Aaqil - Intelligent, wise
- Aban - One who is well-born
- Abd - Servant of Allah (part of many names)
- Abdulaziz - Servant of the Almighty
- Abdulrahman - Servant of the Most Merciful
- Afsar - Leader
- Ahmadullah - Praised servant of God
- Alawiyya - Noble
- Alifullah - First of God
- Anwar - Radiant, luminous
- Arbaz - Brave, courageous
- Arshad - Rightly guided
- Aseem - Protector
- Asifullah - Brave servant of God
- Asrar - Secrets
- Atif - Kind, compassionate
- Awais - A companion of Prophet Muhammad
- Ayaz - Night breeze, cool
- Azeem - Great, significant
- Aziz - Powerful, respected
- Azharuddin - The brightness of religion
- Aashif - Brave, strong
- Aamish - Prosperous, rich
- Aarav - Peaceful
- Abdulkareem - Generous servant of God
- Abdurrahman - Servant of the Most Merciful
- Abed - Worshipper
- Abir - Fragrance
- Adnan - Settler
- Advi - Brave
- Afaaf - Chastity, purity
- Afif - Modest, chaste
- Afsheen - One who is bright
- Ahfaz - Guardian
- Aijaz - Miracle, wonder
- Ailan - A bright person
- Akif - Devoted
- Alishan - Exalted, high status
- Almas - Precious stone
- Aman - Peace, safety
- Ameen - Faithful, trustworthy
- Anish - Supreme, God
- Arjun - Bright, shining
- Arsh - Throne, heaven
- Asfand - A type of flower
- Askar - Soldier
- Atheer - The bright one
- Awab - One who frequently returns to God
- Ayub - A name of a prophet (Job)
- Azar - Fire, flame
- Azaan - Call to prayer
- Azlan - Lion
- Aabid - Worshipper
- Abdillah - Servant of God
- Abdur Rahim - Servant of the Most Merciful
- Adar - One who is an expert
- Adil - Just, fair
- Afiq - Intelligent, clever
- Ahmadullah - Praised by God
- Ahsanullah - Best servant of God
- Aliyan - Exalted, noble
- Alifaar - Someone with a good voice
- Alifaz - Intelligent
- Anan - Clouds
- Anwarullah - The light of God
- Arshad - Righteous, well guided
(B) Name
- Babar - Lion, a king
- Badar - Full moon
- Bashir - Bringer of good news
- Bashiruddin - Bringer of the faith
- Bashar - Human being
- Batin - Hidden, concealed
- Baqir - To cut open, to split
- Barak - Blessing
- Barir - Righteous, pious
- Basit - One who expands
- Basil - Brave, courageous
- Bashar - Messenger
- Bilal - One who is moist, refreshing
- Baha - Dignity, splendor
- Bahr - Sea
- Bashir - One who gives glad tidings
- Bakir - The one who is early
- Bilqis - Queen of Sheba
- Bakar - Young camel
- Basil - Royal
- Badr - Full moon
- Barak - Blessing, wealth
- Banafsaj - Violet
- Badir - Full moon
- Bakr - Young camel
- Bashar - Announcer
- Bakar - First born
- Bahram - Victory
- Badran - Two full moons
- Badrah - Full moon
- Basir - Wise, perceptive
- Bashair - Good tidings
- Bahauddin - The splendor of the faith
- Badrul - Full moon
- Bayan - Clear, eloquent
- Bilal - Moisture, a companion of the Prophet
- Badruddin - Full moon of the faith
- Bakhtiyar - Fortunate
- Baqar - Cow
- Bashirun - Bringer of good news
- Baqi - Eternal
- Bahrul - Sea, ocean
- Basil - Brave
- Baithar - The one who excels
- Bashira - A bringer of glad tidings
- Badi - Unique, marvelous
- Badri - Full moon
- Badr al-Din - Full moon of the religion
- Bashar - A person
- Bahran - Two seas
- Bamdad - Early morning
- Banin - Young boys
- Basharat - Glad tidings
- Bana - A builder
- Bani - Creator
- Basar - Sight, vision
- Behnam - Good name
- Behzad - Of good lineage
- Bihzad - Of good descent
- Bujar - Little lion
- Bari - Creator
- Basith - Expansive
- Buraq - A creature of heaven
- Burhan - Proof, evidence
- Baaz - Falcon
- Bakht - Good fortune
- Baal - Lord
- Baqi - Everlasting
- Bailan - A warrior
- Baihaqi - One who is strong
- Baligh - Eloquent
- Bakhit - Happy
- Balan - The one who has success
- Bayazid - Worshipper of God
- Behnaz - One who is blessed
- Bard - Messenger
- Bashan - To be a happy person
- Barir - One who is pious
- Bashir al-Din - Bringer of good news of faith
- Basam - Smiling
- Basha - Chief
- Behram - Brave
- Bilal - To moisten, refreshing
- Bashir - Bringer of happiness
- Baariq - Lightning
- Babur - A tiger, lion
- Bakir - The one who wakes early
- Banar - To create
- Barin - To lead
- Burak - Lightning
- Bukhari - One who has a good lineage
- Bishr - Joy, good news
- Buthayna - Beautiful
- Burhanuddin - Proof of the faith
- Burhanu - Evidence
- Badi' - Wonderful, unique
- Bidayah - Beginning
- Bismillah - In the name of God
- Bashaq - Brave
- Basharat - A good sign
(C) Name
- Caasim - One who divides.
- Caalim - Scholar.
- Cadi - Judge.
- Cahid - One who strives.
- Chakib - Intelligent.
- Chaman - Garden.
- Chari - A friend or companion.
- Chirag - Lamp or light.
- Cihangir - Conqueror of the world.
- Cilal - Brilliant or intelligent.
- Cizir - Strong.
- Cilman - Protector.
- Cuneyt - Small or little.
- Civan - Young man.
- Cem - The name of a Turkish prince.
- Celal - Majesty.
- Cemil - Beautiful or handsome.
- Cengiz - A powerful ruler.
- Cevdet - Respectable or noble.
- Cihat - Struggle or jihad.
- Cihan - Universe or world.
- Cünayd - A famous Sufi saint.
- Cazim - Powerful.
- Caabir - Brave.
- Cabil - A person of high status.
- Camal - Perfection.
- Can - Soul or spirit.
- Cebrail - Gabriel, the archangel.
- Cevat - Courageous.
- Cihan - World.
- Cinar - A type of tree.
- Cuneyr - A name derived from a Persian word for a bird.
- Cahlil - Generous.
- Cafer - A name of a famous Islamic scholar.
- Cüneyt - A famous Islamic scholar.
- CemÅŸid - A king in Persian mythology.
- Civan - A young man or lad.
- Cahiz - An intelligent person.
- Cebir - Algebra.
- Celil - Majestic.
- Cezzar - A name of a famous Islamic scholar.
- Cenk - Battle.
- Cesur - Brave or daring.
- Ceylan - Gazelle.
- Çetin - Tough or hard.
- Candan - Sincere or heartfelt.
- Cangir - Strong and brave.
- Cüneyt - A famous Islamic scholar.
- Cem - Prince.
- Caner - The one who gives life.
- Çalın - To shine brightly.
- Cudam - Generous.
- Çiğdem - The flower crocus.
- Cemal - Beauty.
- Cihadi - One who fights for the faith.
- Cenaz - Grief or sorrow.
- Cilal - Brilliant.
- Cihangir - The one who conquers the world.
- Cabr - Strong or powerful.
- Chams - Sun.
- Chakour - Grateful.
- Charif - Noble.
- Cibril - The archangel Gabriel.
- Ceviz - Nut.
- Celim - Clean or pure.
- Chand - Moon.
- Cevap - Answer or response.
- Caz - Enthusiasm.
- Ceylani - Noble and distinguished.
- Cavus - A soldier or warrior.
- Çam - Pine tree.
- Cenap - The one who gives guidance.
- Cengizhan - Universal ruler.
- Canberk - Brave heart.
- Cingöz - Smart or clever.
- Cengiz - A title for a powerful ruler.
- Cenkay - A name derived from battle.
- Canpolat - One who brings life.
- Ceyhun - The name of a river in Central Asia.
- Çinar - A type of tree.
- Caha - One who is beautiful.
- Celaleddin - Glory of the faith.
- Cahiz - The learned one.
- Civak - The one who brings people together.
- Cehar - One who is free-spirited.
- Cahther - Strong and intelligent.
- Çetiner - Tough and resilient.
- Caleem - The one who speaks well.
- Cevher - Essence or substance.
- Chakir - One who is hardworking.
- Çeyrek - Quarter or part.
- Cevad - Generosity.
- Cemiyet - Society or community.
- Cakil - One who is respected.
- Civanmert - Brave and generous.
- Çakmak - A spark.
- Cevdet - Noble.
- Chad - To shine brightly.
- Cihangir - Conqueror of the universe.
- Cezar - Powerful ruler.
(D) Name
- Daanish - Knowledge, wisdom.
- Dahir - One who is brave and strong.
- Daleel - Guide or proof.
- Damir - A person of strong character.
- Danish - Knowledge, wisdom.
- Darwish - A Sufi; a person who renounces worldly possessions.
- Dawood - The biblical name David; beloved.
- Dawud - Another form of Dawood; friend of God.
- Deen - Religion or faith.
- Deen Mohammed - Faithful servant of God.
- Dilshad - Happy heart.
- Dilawar - Brave, courageous.
- Dimas - A small stream; an Arabic name with a gentle meaning.
- Dinar - A currency name; symbolizes wealth.
- Dirar - Strong or powerful.
- Dibran - The name of a historical figure; means "to speak."
- Dilbar - One who is dear to the heart.
- Durrah - Pearl; a precious gem.
- Duru - Pure and innocent.
- Dheeman - One who is wise.
- Dileep - A king, a protector.
- Daniyal - A name of a prophet; means "God is my judge."
- Dariq - One who is bright and shining.
- Daud - Another form of Dawood; beloved.
- Dawran - One who excels in what he does.
- Dulhaan - A prince or nobleman.
- Dhilak - The one who is a blessing.
- Dharam - Faith, virtue.
- Danyal - Variant of Daniyal; means "the one who has a high status."
- Damal - One who is intelligent and wise.
- Dhamir - Strong-willed.
- Daleef - Intelligent and wise.
- Daris - One who studies.
- Dafee - Strong and powerful.
- Daka - A name meaning "to show."
- Dany - One who is gifted with wisdom.
- Dari - One who is rich and prosperous.
- Darin - Leader or guide.
- Dawlah - State or kingdom.
- Dawud - A prophet; beloved.
- Deema - Rainfall.
- Dulha - Groom or bridegroom.
- Dawyan - One who is pious.
- Dilshar - One who brings happiness.
- Daryush - A king; strong leader.
- Diya - Light or lamp.
- Dibaj - A name for silk.
- Dima - A downpour; heavy rain.
- Dunyazad - Born of the world; worldly.
- Daneesh - Knowledgeable.
- Dawari - Wealthy or prosperous.
- Dhad - A person who is full of energy.
- Dilav - One who is cheerful.
- Daoud - A form of Dawood; beloved.
- Deeb - Wolf.
- Dikran - Brave or courageous.
- Dahlia - Flower name, representing beauty.
- Dharvin - One who is virtuous.
- Dardeer - One who is happy and cheerful.
- Dauood - A variation of Dawood; beloved.
- Dajjal - Deceiver (used in a historical and religious context).
- Dalfar - One who is swift and fast.
- Darius - Wealthy or protector.
- Durra - A pearl.
- Dulqarnayn - The two-horned one (a figure in Islamic tradition).
- Dahl - A type of lentil.
- Daud - The biblical David.
- Darim - One who is rich and wealthy.
- Durran - A person with precious attributes.
- Dilmer - One who brings joy.
- Dhiraj - Patience.
- Daali - A flowering plant.
- Dahar - One who is rich.
- Deebaj - Silk.
- Dahhak - Laughter; one who is cheerful.
- Dahb - Gold.
- Dilwar - One who is loving and caring.
- Dhilal - Shades or protection.
- Dhuhr - A name associated with the mid-day prayer.
- Diyaul - A form of light.
- Dilyar - One who is kind-hearted.
- Dola - A name symbolizing wealth.
- Dars - Lesson or knowledge.
- Datan - A name associated with knowledge.
- Dawlat - Prosperity or wealth.
- Dharan - A person with a good reputation.
- Darvish - A Sufi, one who renounces worldly goods.
- Darvin - One who is clever and intelligent.
- Deenesh - Religion or faith.
- Dumais - A name of historical significance.
- Durais - A person with excellent character.
- Dawid - A variation of Dawood; beloved.
- Damin - One who is wise.
- Dolee - The one who gives joy.
- Dayaan - Judge or ruler.
- Daiyaan - A person who gives guidance.
- Diyari - A form of life.
- Dalal - One who is kind.
- Durya - A form of wealth or treasure.
- Daharim - One who is charitable.
(E) Name
- Ebad - Worship; a servant of God.
- Ebadullah - Servant of God.
- Ehsan - Excellence, goodness.
- Elham - Inspiration.
- Elias - A prophet; a variant of Elijah.
- Ebrahim - A variant of Abraham; father of nations.
- Emad - Pillar, support.
- Emin - Trustworthy, faithful.
- Emir - Commander, leader.
- Erfan - Knowledge, wisdom.
- Eshaq - A prophet; a variant of Isaac.
- Ezaaz - Dignity, honor.
- Elif - The first letter of the Arabic alphabet, symbolizes uniqueness.
- Enes - One who is friendly and sociable.
- Erkam - One who is intelligent and wise.
- Eser - A work of art; creation.
- Ehaab - Gift or blessing.
- Eymen - Righteous, blessed.
- Ekin - Strong and brave.
- Ehsaan - Kindness, charity.
- Eshaan - A good and blessed person.
- Emed - Support, hope.
- Enver - Bright, luminous.
- Eber - A fatherly figure.
- Erdogan - A name of Turkish origin; means "hawk."
- Ebadurrahman - Servant of the Most Merciful.
- Ejaz - Miracle, something extraordinary.
- Ehsanullah - The kindness of God.
- Eidi - Gift, present.
- Efran - Prosperity, abundance.
- Elim - Knowledgeable or wise.
- Enayet - Kindness, grace.
- Emaduddin - Pillar of the faith.
- Ezzat - Honor, respect.
- Emraan - Faithful, loyal.
- Eshaq - Laughter, joy.
- Eshaal - A flower in paradise.
- Elias - Another form of Elias; a prophet.
- Eron - One who is strong.
- Ezhar - Clear, luminous.
- Elyas - Variant of Elias; God is my Lord.
- Esam - Protector, defender.
- Enaam - Blessing or favor.
- Emrah - A name that signifies progress and advancement.
- Enis - Friend, companion.
- Erhan - Brave and courageous.
- Ebeid - Servant of God.
- Erhan - Chief or leader.
- Ertem - Calm, serene.
- Eshak - Laughter or joy.
- Elkan - God’s favor.
- Eshaq - Laughter.
- Emraan - Faithful and loyal.
- Esmail - A prophet; God will hear.
- Ebdan - Servants.
- Elyas - God is my Lord.
- Efaaz - One who is victorious.
- Eze - Powerful and strong.
- Enver - Radiant, luminous.
- Eyal - Young, fresh.
- Erdal - One who is wise and intelligent.
- Efran - Prosperous, blessed.
- Emadul - Pillar of the faith.
- Elam - One who is learned.
- Eshan - Divine or God-like.
- Esin - A name of Turkish origin; means "inspiration."
- Ekam - One who is unique.
- Elhan - A kind and compassionate person.
- Erdem - Virtue or goodness.
- Eden - Place of pleasure; paradise.
- Ezaan - The call to prayer.
- Elai - God’s power or might.
- Ebi - Fatherly figure.
- Ersoy - Strong and vigorous.
- Evren - Universe or cosmos.
- Ehsaan - Goodness or charity.
- Ewaiz - A person who guides.
- Ednan - One who is wealthy.
- Elvan - Colorful or vibrant.
- Ersa - The strong one.
- Erem - A name that signifies protection.
- Erwin - Noble friend.
- Eren - A holy man or saint.
- Erkin - Free, independent.
- Emirhan - Prince or leader.
- Easaf - A person who is honored.
- Eledin - Goodness of the faith.
- Esat - Happy, joyful.
- Ebrahim - Father of multitudes.
- Elhami - Inspired by God.
- Esat - Happy and fortunate.
- Ertugrul - A name of Turkish origin; means "brave warrior."
- Evrim - Evolution or development.
- Emira - Leader or chief.
- Elmas - Diamond; precious stone.
- Efsan - Legend or fable.
- Ehsar - The one who gives.
- Elif - The first letter of the Arabic alphabet; symbolizing uniqueness.
- Efsun - Magic, charm.
- Evin - A name that signifies joy.
(F) Name
- Faaris - Knight, horseman.
- Faisal - Decisive, separator between right and wrong.
- Farhan - Happy, joyful.
- Fadhl - Grace, virtue.
- Faarooq - One who distinguishes truth from falsehood.
- Faiz - Victory, success.
- Fawad - Heart, courage.
- Feroz - Victorious, triumphant.
- Faheem - Intelligent, wise.
- Fayez - Successful, prosperous.
- Fida - Sacrifice, devotion.
- Farid - Unique, unparalleled.
- Faris - Horseman or knight.
- Faizullah - Success through God.
- Furqan - One who distinguishes between right and wrong.
- Firdaus - Paradise, highest place in heaven.
- Farooq - One who differentiates between truth and falsehood.
- Fouad - Heart, spirit.
- Farzan - Intelligent, wise.
- Fathullah - Victory of God.
- Fakhir - Proud, dignified.
- Faazil - Virtuous, learned.
- Fareed - Unique, precious.
- Faizan - Benefactor, one who helps.
- Fahim - Understanding, intelligent.
- Farouq - One who distinguishes truth from falsehood.
- Fariq - Leader, guide.
- Fazil - Distinguished, virtuous.
- Firas - Perspicacity, keen sight.
- Fouzi - Successful, victorious.
- Fayyaz - Generous, abundant.
- Feroz - Successful, victorious.
- Fatiq - One who has been freed.
- Fazal - Bounty, grace.
- Fadil - Generous, virtuous.
- Firaz - A joyful person.
- Fath - Victory, success.
- Fathir - Creator, originator.
- Fakhri - Proud, dignified.
- Fasiq - One who is sinful or disobedient.
- Fikri - Intellectual, thoughtful.
- Firyal - The one who stands out.
- Falih - Successful, prosperous.
- Faiq - Superior, excellent.
- Farsan - An intelligent person.
- Faran - A name of significance in various cultures.
- Fard - Unique, singular.
- Faal - A fortunate person.
- Fakkar - Wise and intelligent.
- Falam - One who is pure.
- Fateh - Conqueror, victor.
- Farabi - The one who is gifted.
- Farhan - Happy, joyous.
- Faarhan - One who is happy.
- Fathil - Eminent, distinguished.
- Fekry - One who is wise and insightful.
- Firdaus - Highest garden of paradise.
- Fakhruddin - Pride of the faith.
- Faaid - Beneficial, useful.
- Faaleh - Successful, prosperous.
- Faizan - One who is helpful.
- Farrukh - Fortunate, prosperous.
- Firzan - An intelligent person.
- Fakhry - Proud, exalted.
- Faruk - One who distinguishes between good and evil.
- Faisel - Judge, one who separates truth from falsehood.
- Farrad - Unique and exceptional.
- Farouq - One who is able to distinguish right from wrong.
- Furqan - Criterion between right and wrong.
- Fudail - Virtuous and honorable.
- Fahd - Leopard; one who is swift and brave.
- Fayek - Superior, distinguished.
- Fikrat - Thoughtful, reflective.
- Fayyan - One who is graceful.
- Fakhri - One who is proud.
- Fatan - Intelligent, clever.
- Faruq - One who distinguishes between right and wrong.
- Farees - Knight, horseman.
- Farzan - Wise, intelligent.
- Fasil - Dividing, distinguishing.
- Fa'iq - Outstanding, excellent.
- Firdausi - Related to paradise; heavenly.
- Farsan - A name reflecting intelligence and wisdom.
- Fuaad - Heart, inner self.
- Faizaan - Successful, one who gives benefit.
- Fareed - Unmatched, unique.
- Fathir - Creator, maker.
- Fakhr - Pride, honor.
- Fazal - Grace, favor.
- Faadel - Virtuous, learned.
- Fahd - Swift, a type of leopard.
- Faizan - One who brings benefits.
- Farukh - Happy, fortunate.
- Farnaz - Splendid, magnificent.
- Firdaus - Paradise, heaven.
- Fida - Sacrifice, one who sacrifices.
- Fawzi - Victorious, successful.
- Farooq - The one who distinguishes between truth and falsehood.
- Fakhar - Pride, honor.
- Fareez - A person who brings joy.
(G) Name
- Ghaith - Rain, a blessing.
- Ghassan - Youthful, handsome.
- Ghazal - Poetic and lyrical.
- Ghulam - Servant, boy.
- Gani - Rich, wealthy.
- Ghafoor - Forgiving, merciful.
- Ghazi - Warrior, one who fights for the faith.
- Ghalib - Victorious, dominant.
- Ghadir - Stream, river.
- Ghayth - Rain, a blessing.
- Ghazwan - One who is wise and knowledgeable.
- Ghaleb - Conqueror, winner.
- Guran - One who is honored.
- Gharib - Stranger, guest.
- Ghayas - One who helps.
- Ghazali - A name reflecting wisdom.
- Ghulam Rasool - Servant of the Messenger.
- Ghaleb - Victorious, one who prevails.
- Ghareeb - Stranger, one who is different.
- Ghadeer - A small stream or pond.
- Gani - Rich, prosperous.
- Ghazni - One who is wise and learned.
- Gareeb - A unique person.
- Ghazafi - One who is independent and strong.
- Ghayoor - One who is protective.
- Ghazi - One who strives in the path of God.
- Ghaithan - A person who helps others.
- Gahlan - One who is patient and resilient.
- Gamal - Camel; symbolizes strength.
- Gareen - Noble, honorable.
- Gazwan - Brave, courageous.
- Ghaffar - The forgiver.
- Gulfam - A name symbolizing beauty.
- Ghazal - A form of poetic expression.
- Ghazir - One who is wise and prudent.
- Ghanim - Profitable, successful.
- Gharib - One who is unique or special.
- Ghaithan - Rainfall; a blessing.
- Ghasan - A name indicating beauty.
- Ghazal - Lyrical poetry.
- Ghalidan - Strong and resilient.
- Gahfer - One who is forgiving.
- Gulzar - A garden; a place of beauty.
- Gafur - The forgiving one.
- Gazwan - Brave and courageous.
- Ghanbar - One who brings happiness.
- Gourish - One who is auspicious.
- Ghalid - Eternal, everlasting.
- Gazal - A form of poetry, representing beauty.
- Gazi - One who participates in jihad.
- Ghalab - Strong and robust.
- Ghasan - One who is handsome.
- Ghassan - A youthful and noble person.
- Ghasan - Brave, valiant.
- Ghauri - One who is from Ghaur.
- Ghayth - A rain that brings relief.
- Gareem - Honorable and noble.
- Ghazir - Wealthy and prosperous.
- Ghayyur - Protective and strong.
- Ghumar - Happy, cheerful.
- Gaid - Leader, chief.
- Ghaleb - One who is dominant.
- Ghunaym - Spoils of war.
- Ghaus - Helper, supporter.
- Ghazal - A romantic poem.
- Ghadar - Brave and courageous.
- Ghalib - Victorious and noble.
- Ghaar - One who is wise.
- Ghalban - One who is patient.
- Giran - Heavy, significant.
- Ghazi - One who fights for a cause.
- Ghani - Wealthy, prosperous.
- Ghayas - One who assists.
- Gadid - One who is renewed.
- Ghyath - Rain that brings blessings.
- Gamar - The moon.
- Gazali - A wise person.
- Gharis - Strong and robust.
- Ghadir - A place of gathering.
- Ghoor - Deep thinking.
- Gulfishan - A blooming flower.
- Ghaus - A savior, protector.
- Ghabir - One who is generous.
- Ghazal - A poetic form expressing love.
- Ghanaym - Victory or spoils of war.
- Ghani - One who is rich and prosperous.
- Ghalil - A person who is generous.
- Ghaabir - One who is strong and powerful.
- Ghaam - A person who brings happiness.
- Ghauth - Helper, supporter.
- Gamal - Camel; represents strength and resilience.
- Ghadir - Stream or river.
- Ghalib - One who is victorious and dominant.
- Ghusn - Branch, symbolizing growth.
- Gurzar - A garden or place of beauty.
- Ghulf - One who is strong and brave.
- Ghazir - Wise and intelligent.
- Ghaith - A name indicating rain or relief.
- Ghazwan - One who is noble and wise.
- Ghiyath - One who assists and helps others.
(H) Name
- Habib - Beloved, dear.
- Hadi - Guide, leader.
- Hafiz - Guardian, memorizer of the Quran.
- Hamid - Praiseworthy.
- Hasan - Handsome, good.
- Hussain - Beautiful, good; the name of the Prophet Muhammad's grandson.
- Haroon - A prophet; Aaron in English.
- Hakeem - Wise, learned.
- Hassan - Good, handsome.
- Haytham - Young falcon, also means "hawk."
- Hilal - Crescent moon.
- Hamza - Lion; strong and brave.
- Hafeez - Protector, keeper.
- Husam - Sword, sharpness.
- Hashim - Destroyer of evil, generous.
- Huma - A mythical bird; symbolizes good fortune.
- Harith - Ploughman; one who cultivates the land.
- Hadiya - Gift, present.
- Husni - Beauty, goodness.
- Haider - Lion, brave.
- Husayn - Small beautiful one.
- Haalim - Patient, forbearing.
- Hafeeq - One who is cautious and careful.
- Hawari - Supporter, helper.
- Hafizullah - Protected by God.
- Hilmi - Gentle, calm.
- Husn - Goodness, beauty.
- Haroon - A prophet, brother of Moses.
- Humayun - Fortunate, blessed.
- Hirad - A name that means bright or shining.
- Hanzala - A name of a companion of the Prophet.
- Hawwa - Meaning "life" or "living."
- Hafizur Rahman - Guardian of the merciful.
- Haqq - Truth.
- Huda - Guidance.
- Halim - Mild, gentle.
- Husain - Goodness and beauty.
- Hussein - Diminutive of Hasan; means good.
- Hafizul Quran - One who has memorized the Quran.
- Halimullah - Gentle servant of God.
- Habibullah - Beloved of God.
- Hafizullah - Protected by God.
- Haydar - Lion; brave and valiant.
- Hadiullah - The guide of God.
- Hayan - A person who is alive, lively.
- Harir - Silk; denotes softness.
- Husaini - Related to Husain.
- Himayat - Protection, support.
- Harithan - Ploughman; cultivator.
- Husnain - The two good ones; referring to Hasan and Husain.
- Halid - Eternal, everlasting.
- Hami - Support, helper.
- Habshah - Abyssinia; a historical reference.
- Hidhr - A name of a wise person.
- Husnin - Of good character.
- Hulud - Eternal, everlasting.
- Himra - One who is wise.
- Hariz - Guardian, protector.
- Haseeb - Respected, esteemed.
- Haydar - Another form of Haider; brave.
- Hakam - Arbitrator, judge.
- Hind - An ancient name; refers to a land of riches.
- Hareef - A person who is strong and brave.
- Hashir - Gatherer; one who brings people together.
- Hameed - Praised, commendable.
- Husayn - A diminutive of Hasan; good and handsome.
- Hunar - Talent, skill.
- Hamidullah - Praiseworthy servant of God.
- Hadia - A guide; one who shows the way.
- Hakeemullah - Wise servant of God.
- Haris - Watchful, vigilant.
- Harmain - Sacred.
- Haseebullah - Respected servant of God.
- Halem - Calm, mild-mannered.
- Hifz - Memorization; preserving.
- Hujjat - Proof, argument.
- Humaid - Another form of Hamid; praised.
- Huzayfah - A companion of the Prophet.
- Harim - A sacred place.
- Haytham - Young falcon; symbolizes strength.
- Humaid - One who is praised.
- Hifzullah - Protected by God.
- Hibban - One who is loved.
- Hawzan - A name that signifies strength.
- Haarith - Cultivator; ploughman.
- Hasanain - The two good ones; referring to Hasan and Husain.
- Haashir - Gatherer; one who brings people together.
- Hanzala - One of the companions of the Prophet.
- Harib - Brave, courageous.
- Hafeedh - Guardian, protector.
- Husam - Sharp sword; symbolizes strength.
- Hidayat - Guidance.
- Hakeem - Wise, intelligent.
- Harun - Another form of Aaron; a prophet.
- Hafiz - One who memorizes the Quran.
- Husani - Related to Husain; good and beautiful.
- Huda - Guidance; direction.
- Halil - Close friend, intimate.
- Harim - Sacred, holy.
- Hussam - Sharp sword, representing strength.
(I) Name
- Ibrahim - Father of many; name of a prophet.
- Ismail - God will hear; son of Ibrahim (Abraham).
- Ilyas - A prophet; Elijah in English.
- Ishaq - Laughter; Isaac in English.
- Imran - Prosperity; a name of a prophet.
- Idris - A prophet; Enoch in English.
- Izzat - Honor, dignity.
- Iftikhar - Pride, glory.
- Inam - Blessing, gift.
- Imad - Pillar, support.
- Irshad - Guidance.
- Ikram - Honor, respect.
- Isad - One who helps or supports.
- Irfan - Knowledge, wisdom.
- Ishaq - Laughter; Isaac.
- Ikhlas - Sincerity, purity of intention.
- Imran - A prosperous community; also a prophet's name.
- Iftikhar - Pride, honor.
- Ilham - Inspiration.
- Izan - Permission, consent.
- Ibtisam - Smile, cheerful.
- Idrees - The name of a prophet, often associated with knowledge.
- Intisar - Victory, triumph.
- Ishaan - The sun; light.
- Ikramullah - Honor of God.
- Irham - Compassion, mercy.
- Inzam - One who organizes; orderly.
- Ikhlaq - Good manners, morality.
- Ibrar - Pious, virtuous.
- Iffat - Chastity, purity.
- Izhak - Derived from Isaac; laughter.
- Ishaq - Laughter, joy.
- Irshaad - Guidance, direction.
- Idar - Leader, chief.
- Ibtihaj - Joy, delight.
- Inayet - Care, concern.
- Izaan - Leader, commander.
- Iqtida - Follow, imitate.
- Illyas - A prophet; often considered as a guide.
- Ilham - Inspiration, revelation.
- Idrees - A prophet; one who is educated.
- Imaad - Support, pillar.
- Imaan - Faith, belief.
- Inaas - Friendly, sociable.
- Ilyaas - A form of Elias; a prophet.
- Isar - Devotion, dedication.
- Irfaan - Knowledge, wisdom.
- Izzudin - Honor of the faith.
- Izzat - Dignity, respect.
- Ikhtiyar - Choice, selection.
- Imtiaz - Distinction, excellence.
- Ilham - Inspiration, divine guidance.
- Ishtiaq - Longing, desire.
- Inamullah - Blessing of God.
- Izdihar - Prosperity, flourishing.
- Irham - Compassion, mercy.
- Ismat - Purity, innocence.
- Imran - A prophet; signifies prosperity.
- Ishaq - Name of a prophet; signifies laughter.
- Irshad - Guidance, direction.
- Ikhlaq - Character, ethics.
- Ikram - Honor, respect.
- Irfan - Knowledge, wisdom.
- Isar - Sacrifice, devotion.
- Ikram - Generosity, honor.
- Ibtisam - Smiling, cheerful.
- Inshirah - Relief, joy.
- Inaya - Care, concern.
- Iqbal - Prosperity, success.
- Imran - A name of a prophet; signifies prosperity.
- Inayat - Favor, blessing.
- Izzul Haq - Honor of the truth.
- Idris - A name of a prophet; signifies knowledge.
- Isam - Protection, safety.
- Izdihar - Growth, prosperity.
- Imtinan - Gratitude, thankfulness.
- Imaad - Pillar, support.
- Irsal - Sending, communication.
- Irhami - One who is merciful.
- Intiqam - Revenge, retribution.
- Ishrat - Joy, happiness.
- Ishaq - A name of a prophet; means laughter.
- Iffat - Purity, chastity.
- Izzah - Might, power.
- Inshan - Human being; humanity.
- Ikhtiyara - Choice, selection.
- Isnaad - Support, reliance.
- Iqra - Read, recite.
- Islah - Reform, improvement.
- Irshad - Guidance.
- Ikraam - Generosity, honor.
- Ijtihad - Endeavor, exertion.
- Ilhaan - Inspiration.
- Itaat - Obedience, submission.
- Ishraq - Sunrise, daylight.
- Izzah - Honor, dignity.
- Idar - Leader, chief.
- Iqbal - Prosperity, success.
- Inam - Blessing, gift.
- Imad - Pillar, support.
(J) Name
- Jabir - One who comforts; also means to bring joy.
- Jamal - Beauty, elegance.
- Jamaluddin - Beauty of the faith.
- Jareer - A name of a companion of the Prophet.
- Jawad - Generous, open-handed.
- Jihad - Struggle or striving in the way of God.
- Jamil - Beautiful, handsome.
- Jasim - Great, a name of a strong person.
- Javed - Eternal, everlasting.
- Jabirullah - Comforter of God.
- Jamaludin - Beauty of the faith.
- Jalal - Grandeur, majesty.
- Junaid - Soldier, warrior; also a name of a saint.
- Jaafar - A stream, also a name of a companion of the Prophet.
- Jabbar - Powerful, mighty.
- Jamshid - A king in Persian mythology; radiant and shining.
- Jawhar - Jewel, precious stone.
- Jasur - Brave, courageous.
- Jaweed - Eternal, everlasting.
- Jalil - Majestic, revered.
- Jalaluddin - Grandeur of the faith.
- Jamilur Rahman - Beautiful servant of the Merciful.
- Jahir - Brilliant, radiant.
- Jaed - Prosperous, fortunate.
- Jasimuddin - Greatness of the faith.
- Javeed - Ever-living, eternal.
- Jazib - Attractive, charming.
- Jalilullah - Majestic servant of God.
- Jamir - Complete, perfect.
- Jazlan - One who is noble and generous.
- Jamilan - Handsome, beautiful.
- Jad - Generosity, kindness.
- Jaabir - Comforter, one who brings joy.
- Jaam - A cup, symbolizing togetherness.
- Jawed - Eternal, everlasting.
- Juma - Friday; a blessed day.
- Jamir - Complete, perfect.
- Jareen - Brave, courageous.
- Jashan - Celebration, festival.
- Jashar - Radiant, luminous.
- Jabirul Rahman - Comforter of the Merciful.
- Junayd - A name of a saint; one who is pious.
- Jaafar - Stream; name of a companion of the Prophet.
- Jaal - One who is wise and knowledgeable.
- Jamshaid - Shining, radiant.
- Jareer - A companion of the Prophet.
- Jaaz - One who is trustworthy.
- Jafar - A name of a companion of the Prophet.
- Jazir - Abundant, plentiful.
- Jumuah - Friday; blessed gathering.
- Jazeera - Island; denotes separation or uniqueness.
- Javaz - Beautiful, pleasing.
- Jareth - One who leads.
- Jaiveer - Brave warrior.
- Javid - Eternal, everlasting.
- Jarir - A companion of the Prophet; means "to be kind."
- Jawid - Everlasting, eternal.
- Jashan - A name denoting celebration.
- Jaafri - A person who is kind and compassionate.
- Jibril - The angel Gabriel.
- Jauhar - Gem, precious.
- Janat - Paradise, heaven.
- Jaya - Victory; a name that symbolizes success.
- Jaleel - Majestic, honorable.
- Jamalul Haq - Beauty of the truth.
- Jisr - Bridge; symbolizing connection.
- Jaheel - Intelligent, wise.
- Jarwan - A name denoting brightness.
- Juhaym - A name of a companion of the Prophet.
- Jindal - Prosperous, rich.
- Jazlan - Generous and noble.
- Jamir - Complete, perfect.
- Jaad - Generosity, kindness.
- Jaylan - One who is free-spirited.
- Jamshid - A mythological king; symbolizing light.
- Jazir - Abundant, plenty.
- Jameel - Beautiful, handsome.
- Jahan - The world; universe.
- Janan - Soul, heart.
- Jamaluddin - Beauty of the faith.
- Jaabir - Comforter, one who brings happiness.
- Jannat - Paradise, garden.
- Jawhar - Jewel, precious stone.
- Jaad - Generosity, kindness.
- Jamr - One who is luminous or bright.
- Jaheer - Bright, radiant.
- Jinshan - One who is strong.
- Jaak - One who brings joy.
- Jain - Victory; success.
- Jaabirullah - Comforter of God.
- Javard - Brave and strong.
- Jaizan - One who is gifted.
- Janak - Creator; denotes creativity.
- Jabar - Powerful, strong.
- Jaffar - A stream; signifies abundance.
- Jamir - One who is complete.
- Jalir - Majestic, splendid.
- Jari - One who flows; river.
- Jadid - New, fresh.
- Juwayriyyah - A name derived from a companion of the Prophet.
(K) Name
- Kadir - Powerful, capable.
- Kamal - Perfection, completeness.
- Kareem - Generous, noble.
- Khalid - Eternal, immortal.
- Khalil - Friend, companion.
- Kazim - One who controls his anger.
- Kareemullah - Generous servant of God.
- Kamran - Successful, prosperous.
- Kamaluddin - Perfection of the faith.
- Kareem - Generous, kind-hearted.
- Khatib - Orator, speaker.
- Khalifa - Successor, leader.
- Kadir - Powerful, capable.
- Kian - Kingship, realm.
- Kashif - Revealer, uncoverer.
- Khayyam - Tent maker; a name associated with the poet Omar Khayyam.
- Khalilullah - Friend of God (referring to Prophet Ibrahim).
- Kasim - One who distributes; a name of the Prophet's son.
- Kamal - Perfection, excellence.
- Kadir - Capable, powerful.
- Karim - Generous, noble.
- Kazim - One who restrains himself.
- Kaleem - Speaker; one who talks to God (referring to Prophet Musa).
- Karwan - A caravan, journey.
- Kareef - Strong and powerful.
- Khayyam - One who sets tents; also a famous poet.
- Kareem - Generous, noble.
- Kiran - Ray of light; sunbeam.
- Kasim - One who shares, distributes.
- Kamran - Successful, fortunate.
- Khabir - Expert, knowledgeable.
- Khaled - Eternal, everlasting.
- Khalil - Close friend, companion.
- Kifayat - Sufficiency, adequacy.
- Khalid - Immortal, everlasting.
- Kareef - One who is kind-hearted and noble.
- Kashif - One who reveals; uncoverer.
- Kawthar - Abundance; also refers to a river in Paradise.
- Khalaf - Successor; someone who follows.
- Karam - Generosity, nobility.
- Kazim - One who suppresses anger.
- Kamir - Full moon, perfect.
- Kisai - A skilled tailor.
- Kaamil - Perfect, complete.
- Khalaf - One who follows; successor.
- Khasif - One who is noble and generous.
- Khabir - Knowledgeable, wise.
- Kahraman - Hero, brave person.
- Kamran - Successful, prosperous.
- Kareef - Brave, courageous.
- Kaab - Strong, powerful.
- Khadir - Green, fresh; also refers to a legendary figure.
- Khamis - Brave, courageous.
- Khalis - Pure, sincere.
- Khalaf - Successor; one who comes after.
- Kamil - Complete, perfect.
- Kaushal - Skillful, adept.
- Khaqan - Ruler, king.
- Karamullah - Generosity of God.
- Khalif - Leader, successor.
- Kashan - A name referring to a town in Iran, also denotes beauty.
- Kausar - Abundance; a river in Paradise.
- Kainat - Universe; signifies all creation.
- Keenan - Ancient; a name with historical significance.
- Khalid - Everlasting, eternal.
- Khayal - Imagination, dream.
- Kareem - Generous, kind-hearted.
- Kirdar - A character; a person with a distinct personality.
- Kashif - Revealer, uncoverer.
- Khalil - Close friend of God.
- Kisra - Emperor; signifies leadership.
- Kifah - Struggle, striving.
- Karishma - Miracle, gift.
- Khalid - Eternal, everlasting.
- Kadar - Powerful, capable.
- Kalim - One who speaks to God (referring to Prophet Musa).
- Kiran - Ray of light, sunbeam.
- Karun - One who is gracious.
- Kahf - Cave; a place of refuge.
- Kandahar - A city name; also signifies strength.
- Khaqan - Leader, ruler.
- Kamal - Perfection, excellence.
- Kanishk - The name of a ruler; signifies kingship.
- Kamraan - Successful, fortunate.
- Kedar - Powerful; signifies strength.
- Kauther - Abundance; a name for a river in Paradise.
- Kahili - A name that signifies bravery.
- Kashan - Beautiful, charming.
- Khalidun - Eternal; everlasting.
- Kahlil - Close friend.
- Khayyam - A tent-maker; signifies hospitality.
- Kakak - A name that signifies love and compassion.
- Kifah - Struggle, striving in the way of God.
- Khalif - A successor, leader.
- Khalaf - One who follows; successor.
- Kamalan - Perfect, complete.
- Karzan - One who is brave and courageous.
- Kamaluddin - Perfection of the faith.
- Karam - Generosity, nobility.
- Kashan - Precious stone; signifies value.
(L) Name
- Labeeb - Intelligent, sensible.
- Lail - Night; dark.
- Laiq - Deserving, worthy.
- Latif - Kind, gentle.
- Laith - Lion; denotes bravery.
- Lubab - Pure, the essence.
- Luay - Shield; protector.
- Luqman - Wise; name of a prophet.
- Lamis - Soft to touch.
- Labib - Intelligent, wise.
- Laziz - Delightful, pleasing.
- Luma - Radiance, brightness.
- Liqaa - Meeting, encounter.
- Lami - Shining, radiant.
- Labeed - Intelligent, wise.
- Lawful - Permissible, lawful.
- Lazhar - Flower; a beautiful person.
- Luqmaan - A wise man; also a name of a prophet.
- Latifur Rahman - Kindness of the Merciful.
- Lutfullah - Kindness of God.
- Lashkar - Army; signifies strength.
- Luqmaan - A name of a wise man.
- Lamees - Soft, delicate.
- Latif - Kind, subtle.
- Lashan - Beautiful.
- Laziz - Sweet, delightful.
- Lama - Softness, tenderness.
- Lutfi - Kind, gentle.
- Latifah - Gentle, pleasant.
- Lami - Shining, luminous.
- Lahad - A type of grave; signifies rest.
- Layth - Lion; signifies courage.
- Liman - One who is intelligent and knowledgeable.
- Lamis - Soft to touch; delicate.
- Labeed - A person who is intelligent and wise.
- Liyaqat - Competence, ability.
- Luqman - A wise man; a name of a prophet.
- Labeebullah - Intelligent servant of God.
- Laith - A lion; denotes bravery and strength.
- Laithan - A person who is strong and courageous.
- Laseen - One who is gifted.
- Lazhar - Brightness, radiance.
- Luqas - One who is wise.
- Liqaa - Meeting, encounter.
- Lutfi - Kind, gentle.
- Liyakat - Ability, competence.
- Lutf - Kindness, gentleness.
- Laziz - Sweet, delightful.
- Labaik - Here I am; a response to a call.
- Lazar - God has helped.
- Laiq - Worthy, deserving.
- Latif - Subtle, kind.
- Lubab - Essence, the best part.
- Luqman - Wise; a name of a famous figure in Islamic tradition.
- Lana - A soft, tender person.
- Laliq - Someone who is wise.
- Lashkar - A military force; signifies strength.
- Lami - Shining, bright.
- Laith - Lion; represents courage and strength.
- Lazeem - One who is steadfast.
- Laiyan - One who is gentle.
- Latifullah - Kindness of God.
- Luqmaani - A wise person.
- Lahd - A resting place; signifies peace.
- Lulwah - A pearl; signifies beauty and value.
- Lahab - Flame, signifies warmth.
- Lahaz - A moment; signifies time.
- Layyan - Gentle and soft.
- Lina - Tender, delicate.
- Luqmaan - Name of a wise person; also a title of a chapter in the Quran.
- Lais - Lion; signifies bravery.
- Labeeb - Intelligent, sensible.
- Lahan - Brightness, radiance.
- Lutfan - Gentle, kind-hearted.
- Lamak - One who is skillful.
- Lafi - One who is very generous.
- Lukman - Name of a wise man; signifies wisdom.
- Lataif - Kind, gentle.
- Lazarus - God has helped.
- Lashan - Beautiful, attractive.
- Lu’lu’ - Pearl; signifies beauty.
- Liyaqat - Ability, capacity.
- Lahha - Light; signifies brightness.
- Laziz - Delightful, sweet.
- Luqiyan - One who is articulate.
- Lal - A beloved person.
- Latyan - Intelligent and wise.
- Laithan - Brave, courageous.
- Lahib - Flame, brightness.
- Limaaz - A person who is careful in speech.
- Lahz - A moment; signifies time.
- Layth - Lion; represents strength and bravery.
- Laziz - Sweet, delightful.
- Labeed - One who is knowledgeable and wise.
- Laith - Strong and brave like a lion.
- Lutfullah - Kindness of God.
- Luhaf - Cloak, signifies covering or protection.
- Luqyaan - A wise person.
- Ladhaan - Sweet, delightful.
- Limaaz - A person who is observant and wise
(M) Name
- Maalik - King, ruler.
- Maalikullah - King of kings; God.
- Mabrur - Accepted, blessed (often used in the context of pilgrimage).
- Mahdi - Guided one; a messianic figure.
- Mahmood - Praiseworthy, commendable.
- Majid - Glorious, noble.
- Malik - King, master.
- Manan - Benefactor, one who gives generously.
- Mansoor - Victorious, one who is aided.
- Maqsood - Desired, intended.
- Mawiyah - A name denoting strength; a historical figure.
- Mazin - Proper name; signifies cloud or rain.
- Mehdi - Guided; a person who leads others to the right path.
- Mufeed - Beneficial, useful.
- Muhammad - Praised, commendable; the name of the Prophet.
- Mujahid - One who struggles or strives in the way of God.
- Mu'min - Faithful, believer.
- Mustafa - The chosen one; another name for the Prophet Muhammad.
- Murtaza - Chosen one; name of Ali ibn Abi Talib.
- Murad - Desired, wished for.
- Mujtaba - Chosen one.
- Musab - One who is sent; a companion of the Prophet.
- Muzaffar - Victorious, triumphant.
- Mufid - Useful, beneficial.
- Mujahed - One who struggles in the way of God.
- Maher - Skilled, expert.
- Mahran - Brave, courageous.
- Munir - Luminous, shining.
- Madi - One who is proud.
- Manif - One who is manifest.
- Majeed - Glorious, revered.
- Mujahid - One who strives in the path of God.
- Mansoor - One who is helped or aided.
- Majed - Glorious, noble.
- Mahmud - Praised, commendable.
- Mansoor - Victorious, assisted.
- Mahmood - Praiseworthy.
- Malik - King, ruler.
- Masood - Fortunate, happy.
- Murtadha - Chosen one; an epithet of Ali.
- Marwan - A name of a historical figure; means a strong and firm person.
- Muhtadi - Guided to the right path.
- Munir - Bright, luminous.
- Mujtahid - One who strives for knowledge and understanding.
- Maaz - A name that signifies protection and defense.
- Mujir - One who grants refuge.
- Mahdi - Guided one; a leader.
- Mu'een - Helper, supporter.
- Mikail - The angel Michael.
- Mufeed - Beneficial, useful.
- Mansur - Victorious, aided.
- Mahran - Brave, courageous.
- Maher - Skilled, expert.
- Mihir - Sun, light; signifies brightness.
- Mikaeel - An angel, Michael.
- Muaz - Protected, safeguarded.
- Maqam - Station, place.
- Mujtahid - Striver, one who works hard.
- Masaud - One who is fortunate.
- Malik - Sovereign, king.
- Mun'im - Bestower of blessings.
- Mubeen - Clear, evident.
- Murjan - Coral; signifies beauty.
- Muhannad - Sword made of Indian steel.
- Muthanna - One who is double or twofold.
- Muneeb - One who turns to God.
- Malikuz Zaman - King of the age.
- Mawla - Patron, master.
- Masih - Messiah, anointed one.
- Mahfuz - Protected, safeguarded.
- Muwaffaq - Successful, prosperous.
- Makhdoom - Master, lord.
- Madar - Leader, chief.
- Maqbool - Accepted, favored.
- Mashkoor - Grateful, appreciative.
- Murtadha - Chosen one.
- Mahasen - Goodness, kindness.
- Masum - Innocent, sinless.
- Malik - Master, ruler.
- Maalik - King, lord.
- Maamun - Trustworthy, faithful.
- Muhtasir - One who is concise and brief.
- Mahvish - A person who is intelligent and wise.
- Madi - One who is proud.
- Mujaddid - Reformer, one who renews faith.
- Maqtad - A name of a historical figure.
- Mashariq - A name denoting brightness and light.
- Maan - Gift, present.
- Masar - A path, way.
- Maziar - A name denoting courage and bravery.
- Malha - A name denoting grace.
- Makhlouf - An esteemed person.
- Mazhar - Appearance, manifestation.
- Mufeed - Beneficial, useful.
- Murad - Desire, wish.
- Majid - Glorious, noble.
- Maaz - Brave; signifies strength.
- Mufeed - Useful, beneficial.
- Mujahid - One who strives for a good cause.
- Malik - King, master.
(N) Name
- Nabil - Noble, distinguished.
- Nadim - Companion, friend.
- Naeem - Comfort, ease.
- Naim - Bliss, tranquility.
- Nasir - Helper, supporter.
- Nasser - Victorious, triumphant.
- Nawab - Prince, nobleman.
- Nadheer - Alert, vigilant.
- Nadir - Rare, precious.
- Nashit - Energetic, lively.
- Nasim - Breeze, gentle wind.
- Nashat - Vitality, enthusiasm.
- Nauman - Blossom, flower.
- Naeemullah - Comfort of God.
- Nizam - Order, system.
- Najib - Noble, distinguished.
- Nawaz - Kind, generous.
- Noor - Light, radiance.
- Naimat - Blessing, favor.
- Naji - Safe, secure.
- Nasseruddin - Helper of the faith.
- Naseem - Gentle breeze.
- Nasr - Victory, triumph.
- Nashwan - Happy, joyous.
- Naveed - Good news, tidings.
- Nayef - Elevated, high.
- Naseer - Helper, supporter.
- Nadir - Rare, precious.
- Nayyir - Radiant, luminous.
- Nuwair - Light, radiant.
- Naushad - Happy, prosperous.
- Nafis - Precious, valuable.
- Nimr - Tiger, symbol of strength.
- Nazir - Observer, watchful.
- Najm - Star; a bright person.
- Nawabzada - Son of a noble.
- Nashir - Spreader, disseminator.
- Nizamuddin - Order of the faith.
- Naqib - Leader, chief.
- Niaz - Offering, gift.
- Nadim - Companion, friend.
- Nawfal - Generous, bountiful.
- Nazar - Sight, vision.
- Nari - One who is fiery and brave.
- Nassir - Victorious, triumphant.
- Nasrullah - Victory of God.
- Nawazish - Kindness, favor.
- Naaz - Pride, elegance.
- Naim - Blessing, comfort.
- Nasrat - Victory, success.
- Nooruddin - Light of the faith.
- Nadheer - Caution, warning.
- Naimatullah - Blessing of God.
- Nizam - Order, organization.
- Naimullah - Comfort of God.
- Nawfal - Generous, one who offers freely.
- Nadir - Precious, valuable.
- Nizami - Orderly, well-organized.
- Nidal - Struggle, striving.
- Niyaz - Offering, devotion.
- Nazmi - Order, arrangement.
- Najafi - From Najaf, a holy city.
- Nabilullah - Noble servant of God.
- Nashir - Spreader of knowledge.
- Nauman - Blossom, flower.
- Nasir - Protector, defender.
- Nashir - Spreader, one who disseminates.
- Naveed - Good news, tidings.
- Naeem - Ease, comfort.
- Nour - Light, illumination.
- Nazif - Pure, clean.
- Nihal - Prosperous, happy.
- Noor - Light; symbolizes brightness.
- Naqibullah - Leader of God.
- Nasser - Victorious, one who helps.
- Nafeez - Able, competent.
- Nour - Radiance, light.
- Najim - Star, symbol of brightness.
- Nursultan - Light of the ruler.
- Nasri - Victory, success.
- Nazakat - Elegance, beauty.
- Nisbat - Affiliation, connection.
- Nawaz - One who is generous.
- Nauman - The one who is fresh and blooming.
- Nizami - Related to the system or order.
- Nabeel - Noble, honorable.
- Naiman - A person who is blessed.
- Nubair - A person who is well spoken.
- Nifas - Breathing, vitality.
- Nair - A person who is bright and shining.
- Nashir - One who spreads knowledge.
- Nadheem - Gentle, kind-hearted.
- Nisar - Selfless, generous.
- Nadir - Precious, rare.
- Nimat - Blessing, grace.
- Nimr - Fierce, tiger-like.
- Naji - Safe, secure.
- Nasrat - Victory, success.
- Nasrullah - Victory of God.
(O) Name
- Omar - Flourishing, long-lived; a name of a famous caliph.
- Owais - A companion of the Prophet Muhammad.
- Othman - Name of a caliph; means tender and loving.
- Osman - Turkish variant of Othman; means a pure heart.
- Omarion - Long-lived, prosperous.
- Obaid - Small servant; a form of obedience.
- Owais - A loyal companion.
- Omarullah - A long-lived servant of God.
- Obaidullah - Servant of God.
- Osman - A name denoting loyalty and protection.
- Omar ibn al-Khattab - The second caliph of Islam; means flourishing.
- Omi - One who is caring and loving.
- Othman - Name of the third caliph; signifies a strong personality.
- Osaama - Lion; symbolizes strength and bravery.
- Obaid - Devoted, obedient.
- Omaru - Flourishing, prosperous.
- Omid - Hope; signifies aspiration.
- Orman - Brave and courageous.
- Ozzie - Divine power; signifies strength.
- Osher - Happiness, joy.
- Osmar - God’s protection.
- Okechukwu - God's blessing.
- Ollie - An olive tree, symbol of peace.
- Owaisqar - A person who is strong and powerful.
- Orhan - Ruler; signifies leadership.
- Othman - Tenderness; signifies a loving personality.
- Osman - Strength and resilience.
- Omidullah - Hope of God.
- Owaisi - A follower of the Prophet.
- Oren - Pine tree; symbolizes resilience.
- Othmani - Related to Othman; signifies strength.
- Osman - A pure-hearted person.
- Obed - Servant of God.
- Owaisi - A loyal companion of the Prophet.
- Omar al-Farooq - One who distinguishes between right and wrong.
- Orian - Light; signifies brightness.
- Ola - High, exalted.
- Ostara - A name of one who brings happiness.
- Osman - Peaceful, pure-hearted.
- Omar Farooq - One who distinguishes between truth and falsehood.
- Omani - One who is from Oman.
- Othman - Name of a caliph; signifies a leader.
- Ozi - Powerful, mighty.
- Orlando - Famous throughout the land.
- Osman - One who is generous and caring.
- Obeida - A person who is obedient.
- Olyan - One who is full of hope.
- Ozzan - Joyful; signifies happiness.
- Olu - God’s blessing.
- Otham - The first letter of God’s name.
- Orson - Bear cub; signifies strength.
- Omar bin Khattab - A historical figure known for justice.
- Olov - God’s blessing.
- Osmond - Divine protector.
- Orion - Hunter; a constellation name.
- Ola - Elevated; signifies high status.
- Ojan - One who brings joy.
- Otman - A variant of Othman; signifies purity.
- Omer - One who flourishes.
- Othar - A kind-hearted person.
- Ozen - A person with strength.
- Omri - My life; signifies liveliness.
- Omit - One who brings good fortune.
- Ofor - God’s blessing.
- Oumar - A long-lived person.
- Olamide - My wealth has come.
- Omerullah - The flourishing servant of God.
- Oshani - Happiness and joy.
- Oko - The one who is fearless.
- Olyan - Full of hope and aspiration.
- Oran - Light, brightness.
- Odan - A person with a shining personality.
- Omran - Prosperity; signifies a flourishing life.
- Oday - A joyful person.
- Omen - A person who is fortunate.
- Obaidur Rahman - Servant of the Most Merciful.
- Omar Rahman - Prosperous mercy.
- Oren - A symbol of strength and endurance.
- Oton - A person who is wise.
- Obeidi - A person who is obedient.
- Olam - A person with wisdom.
- Oswin - God’s friend.
- Oresh - A leader; signifies authority.
- Osvaldo - Divine power.
- Ould - A descendant or child.
- Ove - One who is joyful.
- Olliver - An olive tree, symbolizing peace.
- Oryan - A person who brings light.
- Orcan - Brave and courageous.
- Ozel - Special, unique.
- Oubai - A person who brings happiness.
- Ovid - A person who brings joy.
- Orsen - A person who is famous.
- Omeran - One who flourishes.
- Omerion - A person with a prosperous life.
- Onur - Honor, respect.
- Omini - God’s gift.
- Oven - One who is wise and prudent.
- Orhan - Ruler, leader.
- Omeru - A person with longevity.
(P) Name
- Paaras - Touchstone; a mythical stone that turns iron into gold.
- Pahal - To start; a beginning.
- Pajwan - One who is noble and bright.
- Palan - A protector; someone who helps others.
- Palash - A flowering tree; symbolizing beauty and nature.
- Parham - A name of Persian origin meaning noble or esteemed.
- Parveen - A name that signifies excellence or brilliance.
- Parsa - Pious, virtuous; signifies holiness.
- Parvez - Victorious; someone who achieves success.
- Pathan - Referring to a Pashtun; signifies bravery and resilience.
- Pavak - Pure, sacred; signifies cleanliness.
- Payam - Message or communication; symbolizes connection.
- Pejman - A brave and courageous person.
- Pervez - One who is victorious.
- Peyman - Covenant or promise; signifies loyalty.
- Piyush - Nectar; signifies sweetness and delight.
- Pranav - Sacred syllable Om; signifies the essence of the universe.
- Pursam - A person who is a leader.
- Purvansh - A name denoting the east or the direction of sunrise.
- Pushti - Nourishment, strength; signifies vitality.
- Pursar - One who is pure and noble.
- Prajit - Conqueror; someone who achieves great things.
- Pahalwan - Wrestler; symbolizes strength and agility.
- Parth - King; signifies leadership and authority.
- Prithvi - Earth; signifies stability and grounding.
- Pranith - Leader; signifies guidance and direction.
- Prashant - Calm, peaceful; signifies serenity.
- Prakash - Light; signifies brightness and illumination.
- Pranav - Sacred sound; signifies divinity.
- Pushkar - Blue lotus; signifies beauty and purity.
- Paramesh - Supreme being; signifies divinity.
- Pishin - A person who is disciplined.
- Puran - Ancient, full of wisdom.
- Parvez - One who is successful.
- Paresh - Supreme spirit; signifies divinity.
- Punya - Virtuous, righteous; signifies goodness.
- Pahlavi - A name of ancient Persian origin.
- Pankaj - Lotus; symbolizes beauty and purity.
- Pavan - Breeze; signifies freshness and lightness.
- Priti - Love, affection; signifies warmth.
- Pritesh - Lord of love.
- Padmin - Lotus; signifies beauty.
- Pallav - New leaves, shoots; symbolizes growth and renewal.
- Pankaj - Born in water; signifies purity.
- Prithviraj - King of the earth; signifies authority.
- Prakhar - Bright, sharp; signifies intelligence.
- Parv - A name denoting importance.
- Piyal - A tree that symbolizes shelter and shade.
- Pahar - Mountain; signifies strength.
- Parya - A person who is dear.
- Pavitra - Pure; signifies cleanliness.
- Prasiddh - Famous; signifies recognition.
- Prashan - A person who is intelligent.
- Pahalwan - Strong; signifies resilience.
- Parmeet - One who is lovable and dear.
- Pankit - A person who is happy and joyful.
- Pavanaj - Son of the wind; signifies speed.
- Pasha - A person of authority.
- Prabhav - Influence, power; signifies strength.
- Padmesh - Lord of the lotus.
- Padma - Lotus; symbolizes beauty and purity.
- Prakrit - Nature; signifies naturalness.
- Pranay - Affection, love; signifies warmth.
- Prajwal - Bright, luminous; signifies brilliance.
- Pushpender - Lord of flowers; symbolizes beauty.
- Parvinder - King of the universe.
- Pavak - Pure, sacred; signifies cleanliness.
- Pavanesh - Lord of the wind.
- Parthasarathi - Charioteer of Arjuna; signifies guidance.
- Payodhi - Sea, ocean; symbolizes depth.
- Prabhakar - Sun; signifies brightness.
- Purvesh - Lord of the east.
- Prayan - A person who is intelligent.
- Purushottam - Supreme man; signifies greatness.
- Prithvipal - Guardian of the earth.
- Punyaj - One who is virtuous and kind.
- Pankaj - Born from the mud; signifies resilience.
- Purnanand - Complete joy; signifies happiness.
- Purab - The east; signifies the direction of light.
- Pavanraj - King of the wind.
- Piyal - A tree that symbolizes love.
- Parijat - A celestial flower; symbolizes beauty.
- Peshawar - A person from Peshawar, a city in Pakistan.
- Pravir - A hero, brave.
- Parashar - A sage; signifies wisdom.
- Paarth - Another name for Arjuna; signifies heroism.
- Pranesh - Lord of life.
- Paandurang - A name of Lord Vishnu; signifies purity.
- Purush - Man; signifies masculinity.
- Pahlav - A brave person; signifies courage.
- Pustak - Book; symbolizes knowledge.
- Pritesh - Lord of love; signifies affection.
- Pramod - Happiness; signifies joy.
- Padmakar - One who has a lotus.
- Prasham - Calm, peaceful; signifies tranquility.
- Prajot - Bright light; signifies illumination.
- Pritam - Beloved; signifies affection.
- Pindar - A person who is strong.
- Puranam - A person who is wise.
- Pankaj - Lotus; symbolizes beauty and purity.
(Q) Name
- Qadir - Powerful, capable.
- Qasim - One who distributes; often associated with generosity.
- Qamar - Moon; symbolizes beauty and brightness.
- Qadeer - Omnipotent, capable.
- Qamaruddin - Moon of the religion.
- Qudrat - Power, capability.
- Qais - Firm, resolute; also refers to a legendary character.
- Quddus - Holy, sacred; signifies purity.
- Qabil - Acceptable, capable.
- Qamarul - Moonlight; signifies brightness.
- Qays - A strong and powerful man; also a historic figure.
- Qazi - Judge; signifies authority and wisdom.
- Qaiyum - Eternal, everlasting.
- Qudama - Brave, courageous; signifies strength.
- Qurtubi - From Córdoba; signifies heritage.
- Qawiy - Strong, powerful.
- Qasif - Authoritative, assertive.
- Qadirullah - The power of God.
- Qabir - One who gives; signifies generosity.
- Qamarulain - Moon of the night.
- Qusai - Distant; also refers to a historical figure in Islam.
- Qunfudh - A character known for his kindness.
- Qushayr - A person of noble descent.
- Qurat - Joy, comfort; signifies happiness.
- Qiyam - Standing, firm; symbolizes stability.
- Qudratullah - The power of God.
- Qamariz - Moonlight; signifies beauty.
- Quds - Holy; signifies sacredness.
- Qaim - Resurrected; signifies revival.
- Qashif - Revealer; signifies someone who uncovers the truth.
- Quddi - Sacred; signifies holiness.
- Qusai - A historical figure; signifies nobility.
- Qaziuddin - Judge of the faith.
- Qamarah - Moonlit; signifies brightness.
- Qareeb - Near; signifies closeness.
- Qunfuz - A character known for his wisdom.
- Qisai - Storyteller; signifies creativity.
- Qadeem - Ancient, old; signifies history.
- Qasr - Palace; symbolizes grandeur.
- Qanit - Obedient, submissive.
- Qudratullah - The power of God.
- Qawafiq - A person who excels in arts.
- Qutb - Axis, center; signifies importance.
- Qabilullah - Accepted by God.
- Qayyum - Sustainer; signifies life.
- Qabir - Gravedigger; symbolizes humility.
- Qamaras - One who is like the moon.
- Qari - Reciter of the Quran.
- Qudratullah - The power of God.
- Qarn - Generation; signifies continuity.
- Qasida - Poem; symbolizes art.
- Qamaari - Moon-like; signifies beauty.
- Qutbuddin - Axis of the faith.
- Qurrat - A person who brings joy.
- Qazwini - From Qazwin; signifies heritage.
- Qadeer - Powerful, strong; signifies capability.
- Qamarbakhsh - Moon giver; signifies generosity.
- Qahhar - The irresistible; signifies strength.
- Qariy - A learned person; signifies wisdom.
- Qudra - Power, strength; signifies capability.
- Qandil - Lamp; symbolizes light.
- Qamarz - Moonlike; signifies beauty.
- Qasrullah - Palace of God.
- Qazi - Judge; signifies authority.
- Qudum - Head; signifies leadership.
- Qamil - Perfect, complete.
- Qudsia - Sacred; signifies holiness.
- Qasimuddin - Distributor of the faith.
- Qariyah - A person who recites the Quran.
- Qalam - Pen; symbolizes knowledge.
- Qasif - Clear, apparent; signifies clarity.
- Qasimullah - Distributor of God’s gifts.
- Qureshi - A person from the Quraish tribe.
- Qayum - Sustaining; signifies life.
- Qablan - The one who is first.
- Qamar - Moon; symbolizes beauty and brightness.
- Qimat - Worth, value; signifies importance.
- Qalamdin - Pen of the faith.
- Qudrah - Strength, power; signifies capability.
- Qishti - A storyteller; signifies creativity.
- Quran - The holy book of Islam.
- Qasida - A form of Arabic poetry.
- Qasemi - One who distributes.
- Qamarin - Moon; symbolizes light.
- Qurtubi - Related to the city of Córdoba.
- Qusai - Distant; signifies a historical figure.
- Qalb - Heart; signifies love and compassion.
- Qahhar - The all-conquering; signifies strength.
- Qamaran - Two moons; symbolizes beauty.
- Qudrat - Ability, capacity; signifies potential.
- Qari - Reader; signifies someone knowledgeable.
- Qumran - A significant archaeological site.
- Qudrah - Power; signifies strength and capability.
- Qariyah - A person who recites.
- Qamaruddīn - Moon of the religion.
- Qudratullah - The power of God.
- Qawli - Statement, declaration; signifies authority.
- Qanaat - A person who is satisfied; signifies contentment.
- Qutbulmaktoub - The one who is destined.
- Qarn - Era or generation; signifies continuity.
(R) Name
- Rami - Archer; symbolizes precision and skill.
- Raza - Consent, approval; signifies acceptance.
- Rehan - A fragrant herb; symbolizes beauty and freshness.
- Rafi - Exalted, noble; signifies high status.
- Rashid - Rightly guided, wise; signifies intelligence.
- Rami - One who throws; signifies action and determination.
- Rayyan - The gates of Heaven; signifies abundance.
- Rizwan - The name of the keeper of Paradise; signifies favor.
- Rafiq - Kind, compassionate; symbolizes friendliness.
- Reza - Contentment; signifies satisfaction.
- Ramadan - The holy month of fasting; signifies devotion.
- Rashad - Good guidance; signifies wisdom.
- Rukn - Pillar; signifies support and strength.
- Rami - A good protector.
- Rifat - Highness, elevation; signifies dignity.
- Rashiq - Elegant, graceful; signifies beauty.
- Raheel - One who shows the way; signifies guidance.
- Rizq - Sustenance; signifies abundance and provision.
- Rameez - Symbol, sign; signifies meaning.
- Rashan - Good conduct; signifies righteousness.
- Ruzan - The one who is peaceful.
- Ruhail - The one who travels with comfort.
- Rayyan - Luxuriant; signifies freshness.
- Rami - One who aims; signifies purpose.
- Rifaat - High status; signifies elevation.
- Rahman - The Beneficent; signifies mercy.
- Rashid - Wise and well-guided; signifies knowledge.
- Rabee - Spring; symbolizes renewal and growth.
- Rayan - Gates of Heaven; signifies paradise.
- Raihan - Fragrant flower; symbolizes beauty and aroma.
- Rayhan - One who is blessed with fragrance.
- Ruhullah - Spirit of God.
- Rasim - One who is skilled in art.
- Rami - Archer; symbolizes precision.
- Ridhwan - Goodwill; signifies favor.
- Rami - One who is charming and attractive.
- Rahim - Merciful; signifies compassion.
- Rafiq - Companion; signifies friendship.
- Ruthwan - Ruler; signifies authority.
- Riza - Contentment; signifies happiness.
- Rashad - Rightly guided; signifies wisdom.
- Raif - Kind, gentle; signifies compassion.
- Rabia - The fourth; symbolizes abundance.
- Rameez - A person who signifies something important.
- Ruhel - One who brings peace.
- Riyad - Gardens; symbolizes beauty and growth.
- Rabbani - Devout; signifies spirituality.
- Rashan - One who is righteous.
- Rayen - One who brings joy.
- Raja - Hope; signifies aspiration.
- Rafiq - Kind friend; signifies camaraderie.
- Raees - Chief, leader; signifies authority.
- Rehmat - Mercy; signifies compassion.
- Razaq - Provider; signifies sustenance.
- Ruqaiya - Elevated; signifies dignity.
- Rukhsar - Cheek; signifies beauty.
- Rizwanullah - God's pleasure; signifies divine approval.
- Razi - Content; signifies peace.
- Raja - King; signifies leadership.
- Rimal - Sandy; symbolizes nature.
- Razeen - Calm, composed; signifies tranquility.
- Ravish - One who brings happiness.
- Ridhwan - Pleasure of Allah.
- Rachid - Well-guided; signifies wisdom.
- Rasul - Messenger; signifies a noble calling.
- Raheeq - Pure wine; symbolizes purity and joy.
- Ramsha - A light; signifies brightness.
- Raseem - One who has a beautiful character.
- Rayyaan - One who is well-fed; signifies abundance.
- Raafi - The exalted one; signifies nobility.
- Raees - Wealthy; signifies prosperity.
- Rukn - Support; signifies strength.
- Rukshan - Bright; signifies illumination.
- Rehmatullah - Mercy of God.
- Riaz - Gardens; signifies growth.
- Rashan - Good character; signifies morality.
- Raihan - Sweet basil; signifies beauty.
- Raqeeb - Watchful; signifies guardianship.
- Rukaya - Elevated; signifies dignity.
- Rauf - Kind, compassionate; signifies tenderness.
- Rauf - Kindness; signifies compassion.
- Rahul - Conqueror of miseries; signifies strength.
- Rayaan - The one who is pure; signifies innocence.
- Ruban - Strong and powerful; signifies resilience.
- Rahul - A name of a historical figure.
- Rizwan - Keeper of Heaven.
- Ramish - Peaceful; signifies tranquility.
- Rayas - Leader; signifies authority.
- Raashid - Well-guided; signifies wisdom.
- Rafeeq - Kind companion; signifies friendship.
- Rabban - Lord; signifies divinity.
- Riyadh - Gardens; symbolizes paradise.
- Rahman - Beneficent; signifies mercy.
- Rayan - Luxuriant; signifies abundance.
- Rahmani - Merciful one; signifies compassion.
- Rafif - Whisper; signifies softness.
- Raghid - Affluent; signifies richness.
- Ruwad - Who shows the way; signifies guidance.
- Ruqayyah - A name of a historical figure; signifies elevation.
- Rizvan - One who brings happiness.
(S) Name
- Sami - Elevated, sublime; signifies high status.
- Salim - Safe, secure; signifies peace.
- Saif - Sword; symbolizes strength and bravery.
- Sultan - Ruler, king; signifies authority.
- Sadiq - Truthful, sincere; signifies honesty.
- Samir - Entertaining companion; signifies sociability.
- Shahid - Witness; signifies one who testifies.
- Sufyan - Fast; signifies swiftness.
- Salman - Safe, sound; symbolizes protection.
- Saqib - Bright star; signifies brilliance.
- Shakir - Grateful; signifies thankfulness.
- Sari - Noble; signifies high status.
- Salah - Righteousness; signifies goodness.
- Safwan - Pure; signifies cleanliness.
- Sadiq - Honest, truthful; symbolizes integrity.
- Shaheer - Famous; signifies recognition.
- Sulaiman - Peaceful; signifies tranquility.
- Sabir - Patient; signifies endurance.
- Shafik - Compassionate; signifies kindness.
- Saqi - Cupbearer; symbolizes hospitality.
- Sadiq - One who is truthful and honest.
- Salih - Righteous, virtuous; signifies goodness.
- Suhail - Smooth, easy-going; signifies tranquility.
- Shahbaz - Royal falcon; symbolizes nobility.
- Salahuddin - Righteousness of the faith.
- Shams - Sun; signifies brightness.
- Sadiq - Honest and trustworthy; signifies integrity.
- Safwan - Bright, pure; signifies clarity.
- Sultan - Authority; signifies leadership.
- Shafiq - Kind and considerate; symbolizes compassion.
- Shaan - Peaceful, dignified; signifies honor.
- Suhaib - Red; signifies warmth.
- Sufyan - One who is swift; signifies agility.
- Sahib - Companion, friend; signifies fellowship.
- Salam - Peace; signifies harmony.
- Sani - Second; signifies uniqueness.
- Shahzada - Prince; signifies nobility.
- Sadiq - Truthful; symbolizes honesty.
- Sadik - Faithful, trustworthy; signifies loyalty.
- Salah - Prayer, righteousness; signifies piety.
- Sajjad - One who prostrates; signifies devotion.
- Samar - Evening conversation; signifies companionship.
- Sahar - Dawn; symbolizes new beginnings.
- Shahriar - King; signifies authority.
- Saabir - Patient; signifies endurance.
- Salih - Virtuous; signifies goodness.
- Shahid - Martyr; signifies sacrifice.
- Shaheen - Falcon; symbolizes speed and agility.
- Suhail - Gentle, easy-going; signifies tranquility.
- Sofian - Fast, swift; signifies agility.
- Suraaj - Light, brightness; signifies illumination.
- Sabr - Patience; signifies endurance.
- Sahab - Cloud; symbolizes softness and comfort.
- Shahrukh - King of the world; signifies authority.
- Sadiq - A name denoting truthfulness.
- Sarfaraz - Distinguished; signifies honor.
- Salman - Peaceful; signifies tranquility.
- Samir - Entertaining companion; symbolizes sociability.
- Shahid - Witness; signifies testimony.
- Suyash - Auspicious; signifies good fortune.
- Sharif - Noble; signifies dignity.
- Saifullah - Sword of God; symbolizes strength.
- Shazil - A person who is charming.
- Shariq - Bright, radiant; signifies light.
- Sardar - Leader, chief; signifies authority.
- Sultaan - King; signifies nobility.
- Sahibzada - Prince; signifies heritage.
- Sadiq - One who is sincere and honest.
- Sakib - One who is intelligent.
- Salahuddin - Righteousness of the faith; signifies virtue.
- Sadiq - One who is honest and truthful.
- Sajjad - Devout; signifies piety.
- Sarim - Brave; symbolizes courage.
- Sufiyan - A person who is graceful.
- Salim - Safe, sound; signifies protection.
- Sadiq - Honest; signifies integrity.
- Sahir - A person who is charming.
- Safwan - Pure; signifies cleanliness.
- Shahid - Martyr; signifies sacrifice.
- Shamsher - Sword; symbolizes bravery.
- Suleiman - Peaceful; signifies tranquility.
- Sabir - Patient; signifies endurance.
- Shafeeq - Kind; signifies compassion.
- Saabir - One who is patient and enduring.
- Shahab - Shooting star; symbolizes brilliance.
- Sahab - Cloud; signifies softness and comfort.
- Shaaz - Unique; signifies individuality.
- Sufiyan - A name denoting wisdom.
- Sani - Second; signifies uniqueness.
- Sarim - Brave, courageous; signifies valor.
- Sahih - Authentic, correct; signifies truth.
- Siyam - Fasting; signifies devotion.
- Sabeel - Path; signifies direction.
- Shaan - Peaceful; signifies tranquility.
- Suhaib - One who is swift; signifies agility.
- Saki - Cupbearer; symbolizes hospitality.
- Salih - Righteous; signifies goodness.
- Said - Happy, fortunate; signifies joy.
- Sabaa - A breeze; symbolizes freshness.
- Samar - Fruit; signifies abundance.
(T) Name
- Tariq - Morning star; symbolizes brightness.
- Talib - Seeker of knowledge; signifies education.
- Tamer - A name that means "date palm"; symbolizes nourishment.
- Taha - Pure; signifies purity and goodness.
- Tariq - He who knocks at the door; symbolizes arrival.
- Tawfiq - Success, guidance; signifies achievement.
- Tahseen - Improvement, enhancement; signifies growth.
- Talha - A type of tree; symbolizes strength.
- Taqi - God-fearing, pious; signifies righteousness.
- Tamim - Complete, perfect; signifies wholeness.
- Taariq - The one who travels at night; symbolizes adventure.
- Tufail - A companion; signifies companionship.
- Taimur - Iron; symbolizes strength.
- Tahir - Pure, clean; signifies innocence.
- Tawheed - Oneness of God; signifies monotheism.
- Talib - One who seeks knowledge; signifies ambition.
- Tariq - Morning star; signifies hope.
- Tawfiq - Success; signifies prosperity.
- Taher - Pure; signifies cleanliness.
- Thamer - A name that means "fruitful"; symbolizes abundance.
- Tabrez - A name meaning "to celebrate"; signifies joy.
- Tahmid - To praise; signifies gratitude.
- Taqwa - Piety, righteousness; signifies virtue.
- Tameem - Whole, complete; signifies perfection.
- Taseen - To be good; signifies goodness.
- Tanveer - Illumination, radiance; signifies brightness.
- Tahaad - Brave; signifies courage.
- Tariq - One who is a traveler; symbolizes exploration.
- Tazeen - Adornment; signifies beauty.
- Taim - Righteous; signifies goodness.
- Tashfeen - A name meaning "to heal"; symbolizes restoration.
- Tariq - One who is morning star; symbolizes hope.
- Taalib - One who is a seeker; signifies ambition.
- Tamir - Prosperous; signifies wealth.
- Tareeq - Path, way; signifies direction.
- Taher - Pure; symbolizes innocence.
- Talaz - High-minded; signifies nobility.
- Tafreeq - To be unique; signifies individuality.
- Tazkiyah - Purification; signifies cleanliness.
- Thariq - One who is a pathfinder; signifies guidance.
- Tadhir - One who purifies; signifies cleanliness.
- Tehseen - Improvement; signifies growth.
- Tahrir - Liberation; signifies freedom.
- Tameez - Distinction; signifies uniqueness.
- Tayyib - Good, wholesome; signifies quality.
- Tarik - Morning star; symbolizes light.
- Tafsir - Interpretation; signifies understanding.
- Talal - High, elevated; signifies nobility.
- Tariq - He who knocks; symbolizes opportunity.
- Tahsin - Improvement; signifies enhancement.
- Tanis - A name meaning "peace"; symbolizes tranquility.
- Taarik - A name meaning "he who travels at night".
- Tazul - A name meaning "to decorate"; signifies beauty.
- Tadbir - Planning, management; signifies organization.
- Taraf - Side; signifies perspective.
- Tameez - Distinction; signifies uniqueness.
- Tanveer - Brightness; symbolizes clarity.
- Tafiz - Guardian; signifies protection.
- Tashreeq - To shine; signifies brilliance.
- Taj - Crown; symbolizes honor.
- Tariq - One who is a pathfinder; signifies leadership.
- Tuhfa - Gift; signifies a blessing.
- Taqaddum - Advancement; signifies progress.
- Taimoor - Brave, strong; signifies courage.
- Taseer - Influence; signifies power.
- Thaqib - Intelligent; signifies wisdom.
- Talaat - Appearance; signifies presence.
- Tariq - One who is a traveler; signifies adventure.
- Tansir - Helper; signifies support.
- Tarun - Young; signifies vitality.
- Tahani - Congratulations; signifies joy.
- Tashan - A name meaning "to bless"; symbolizes positivity.
- Taim - Righteous, virtuous; signifies goodness.
- Tamir - Date palm; signifies strength and nourishment.
- Tajwar - King, ruler; signifies authority.
- Tafshah - One who expands; signifies growth.
- Taashif - A name meaning "noble"; symbolizes honor.
- Taal - One who is fortunate; signifies luck.
- Tanish - Ambitious; signifies determination.
- Tausif - A name meaning "to praise"; signifies appreciation.
- Tanqeed - To review critically; signifies analysis.
- Tariq - Morning star; symbolizes brightness.
- Tawakkul - Trust in God; signifies faith.
- Tabassum - Smile; signifies happiness.
- Tawba - Repentance; signifies forgiveness.
- Tashim - One who brings joy; signifies happiness.
- Taufiq - Success; signifies achievement.
- Tahrim - To be sacred; signifies purity.
- Tahrik - Movement; signifies action.
- Tarim - Elevated; signifies nobility.
- Taalib - One who is a seeker; signifies ambition.
- Tafrih - Joy; signifies happiness.
- Tashir - Brightness; symbolizes clarity.
- Tudmash - One who is honorable.
- Thaqib - Intelligent, sharp; signifies wisdom.
- Taala - To rise; signifies elevation.
- Taj - Crown; symbolizes honor.
- Tafasir - Interpretations; signifies understanding.
- Tamiz - Distinction; signifies uniqueness.
- Tashqil - To enable; signifies empowerment.
(U) Name
- Ubaid - Worshipper; signifies devotion.
- Umar - Long-lived, flourishing; signifies prosperity.
- Usama - Lion; symbolizes strength and bravery.
- Uthman - Wise, intelligent; signifies wisdom.
- Ubaida - A small form of worship; signifies piety.
- Uddin - Religion; signifies faith.
- Umran - Prosperity; signifies growth.
- Usman - The chosen one; symbolizes honor.
- Urooj - Ascendancy, growth; signifies elevation.
- Umaran - Flourishing; signifies success.
- Uwais - A companion of the Prophet; signifies loyalty.
- Uzi - My strength; signifies power.
- Uzair - Helper; signifies assistance.
- Umayr - Small, young; symbolizes youthfulness.
- Ulysse - A name meaning "wrathful"; symbolizes strength.
- Ubadah - Worship; signifies devotion.
- Ubaas - Bravery; symbolizes courage.
- Udaib - One who makes others happy; signifies joy.
- Uzaif - A name meaning "young man"; signifies vitality.
- Urwah - A strong bond; signifies unity.
- Uthman - A name meaning "the chosen one"; signifies honor.
- Urs - A name that means "bright"; symbolizes light.
- Ubayd - A small servant; signifies humility.
- Umaymah - A name meaning "little mother"; signifies care.
- Ulwan - Exalted; signifies high status.
- Uzaif - One who is joyful; signifies happiness.
- Urham - A name meaning "pious"; signifies devotion.
- Uraib - Beautiful; signifies charm.
- Usaamah - A name meaning "brave"; symbolizes courage.
- Unwan - Title; signifies importance.
- Usayb - A name meaning "small lion"; symbolizes strength.
- Umran - Prosperity; signifies flourishing.
- Udhayf - A name meaning "gifted"; signifies talent.
- Ubaidullah - Worshipper of God; signifies devotion.
- Ubeid - Small servant; signifies humility.
- Uman - A name meaning "long-lived"; symbolizes longevity.
- Ujjain - A city in India known for its spirituality.
- Uljhan - A name meaning "confused"; symbolizes depth.
- Ulrich - Noble ruler; signifies leadership.
- Ushtak - Strong, mighty; signifies power.
- Umayyah - The name of a prominent clan; signifies heritage.
- Unus - A name meaning "friend"; signifies companionship.
- Uqul - One who is wise; signifies intelligence.
- Umdat - The best; signifies superiority.
- Utruj - A name meaning "citron"; symbolizes freshness.
- Urzi - A name meaning "noble"; signifies honor.
- Usamah - Lion; symbolizes bravery.
- Ushar - Brightness; signifies clarity.
- Uqba - A name meaning "the last"; signifies finality.
- Umaran - A name meaning "flourishing"; signifies success.
- Usayra - Beautiful; signifies charm.
- Uthman - The chosen one; symbolizes honor.
- Ulwan - High; signifies elevation.
- Uqeel - Intelligent; signifies wisdom.
- Urza - To shine; symbolizes brightness.
- Umeed - Hope; signifies aspiration.
- Uruj - Ascendancy; symbolizes growth.
- Usman - The chosen one; signifies honor.
- Ummair - One who is strong; signifies resilience.
- Umat - A name meaning "community"; signifies togetherness.
- Uqbah - The one who is the last; symbolizes finality.
- Ubaad - Worshippers; signifies devotion.
- Ujjwal - Bright; symbolizes light.
- Urooj - Ascendancy; symbolizes growth.
- Uzair - Helper; signifies assistance.
- Ujaaz - Miracle; signifies wonder.
- Ubad - Servant of God; signifies piety.
- Uthaar - Cleanliness; signifies purity.
- Umran - Prosperity; signifies flourishing.
- Urooj - Rise; signifies elevation.
- Usain - Handsome; signifies beauty.
- Umar - Long-lived; symbolizes longevity.
- Urghad - One who guides; signifies leadership.
- Ummi - My mother; symbolizes nurturing.
- Uzair - Helper; signifies assistance.
- Ubaida - A name meaning "small servant"; signifies humility.
- Ubaid - Worshipper; signifies devotion.
- Ujjal - Bright, clear; signifies clarity.
- Umran - Prosperity; signifies growth.
- Urdun - One who is a warrior; signifies bravery.
- Urbaz - A name meaning "noble"; signifies honor.
- Ubal - An intelligent person; signifies wisdom.
- Uthayf - One who is faithful; signifies loyalty.
- Usuf - A name meaning "God will add"; signifies blessing.
- Uthaym - A name meaning "brave"; signifies courage.
- Uddin - Religion; signifies faith.
- Uthman - The chosen one; signifies honor.
- Uraiz - A name meaning "bright"; signifies light.
- Uzkah - Bright; symbolizes illumination.
- Uzyar - A name meaning "gifted"; signifies talent.
- Uraih - A name meaning "one who is pleasant"; signifies joy.
- Uzzar - One who is a protector; signifies guardianship.
- Usama - Lion; symbolizes strength.
- Umraan - Prosperity; signifies flourishing.
- Urooj - Ascendancy; symbolizes growth.
- Ujjwal - Bright; symbolizes clarity.
- Utkash - A name meaning "brilliant"; signifies brightness.
- Uthak - Wise; signifies intelligence.
- Urshad - A guide; signifies leadership.
- Uwais - A companion of the Prophet; signifies loyalty.
(V) Name
- Vahid - Unique, singular; signifies individuality.
- Vaseem - Vast, broad; signifies expansiveness.
- Vali - Guardian, protector; symbolizes safeguarding.
- Vasif - Descriptive; signifies clarity.
- Vasifullah - Describer of God; signifies divine connection.
- Vajid - One who finds; signifies discovery.
- Vahdah - Unity; symbolizes togetherness.
- Vamin - One who is honorable; signifies respect.
- Vald - Ruler, powerful; signifies authority.
- Vaziri - Minister; signifies leadership.
- Valiullah - Protector of God; signifies divine protection.
- Vafa - Loyalty, faithfulness; signifies trustworthiness.
- Vasif - To describe; signifies clarity and insight.
- Vaaris - Inheritor; signifies heritage.
- Vaqas - A name meaning "a brave warrior"; signifies courage.
- Visal - Union, connection; signifies togetherness.
- Varis - Inheritor; signifies legacy.
- Vahiduddin - Unique in religion; signifies distinctive faith.
- Valar - One who is strong; signifies resilience.
- Vitr - A name meaning "victorious"; signifies success.
- Vasif - To describe; signifies clarity.
- Vaanish - One who brings happiness; signifies joy.
- Vigrah - A name meaning "body" or "form"; signifies existence.
- Vashir - A name meaning "bringer of good news"; signifies positivity.
- Vishal - Great, immense; signifies grandeur.
- Vafas - Loyal; signifies fidelity.
- Vaysar - One who is easygoing; signifies tranquility.
- Valin - A name meaning "powerful"; signifies strength.
- Vibhan - Brilliant; signifies illumination.
- Vires - Brave; signifies courage.
- Vasim - One who is wide or vast; signifies expansiveness.
- Vamshi - Flute; signifies melodiousness.
- Vinay - Humble; signifies modesty.
- Veer - Brave, strong; signifies valor.
- Vasudev - Father of Lord Krishna; signifies divinity.
- Vihaan - Dawn, morning; signifies new beginnings.
- Vinayak - Lord Ganesh; signifies wisdom.
- Viraj - Ruler; signifies authority.
- Vignesh - Lord of obstacles; signifies strength.
- Vamshidhar - Holder of the flute; signifies artistry.
- Vahb - Gift; signifies generosity.
- Vijay - Victory; signifies success.
- Vatsal - Affectionate; signifies warmth.
- Vishwas - Trust; signifies confidence.
- Vishwa - Universe; signifies vastness.
- Vardaan - Blessing; signifies good fortune.
- Varun - Lord of water; signifies depth.
- Vighnesh - Lord Ganesha; signifies removal of obstacles.
- Vihang - Bird; signifies freedom.
- Vijender - Conqueror of the world; signifies triumph.
- Vashu - Wealth; signifies prosperity.
- Vansh - Lineage; signifies heritage.
- Vibhav - Opulence; signifies richness.
- Vinit - Polite, humble; signifies respect.
- Vardhaman - One who increases; signifies growth.
- Varishta - Elder; signifies wisdom.
- Veerendra - King of warriors; signifies bravery.
- Vikram - Valor; signifies courage.
- Virendra - Lord of warriors; signifies leadership.
- Vinay - Humility; signifies modesty.
- Vishrut - Famous; signifies recognition.
- Vishal - Huge; signifies greatness.
- Vatsal - Affectionate; signifies love.
- Vaibhav - Wealth, glory; signifies prosperity.
- Vishvendra - Lord of the universe; signifies authority.
- Vatsalya - Affection; signifies care.
- Vijayendra - Victory; signifies success.
- Vidur - Wise; signifies intelligence.
- Vinod - Joyful; signifies happiness.
- Viraat - Huge; signifies greatness.
- Viraj - Ruler; signifies authority.
- Virender - Brave; signifies courage.
- Vikramaditya - Sun of valor; signifies bravery.
- Vijayalakshmi - Goddess of victory; signifies triumph.
- Vandit - Worshipped; signifies respect.
- Vivek - Discrimination, wisdom; signifies insight.
- Vinayak - Lord Ganesha; signifies wisdom and success.
- Vasav - God of wealth; signifies prosperity.
- Vinit - Humble; signifies modesty.
- Vikrant - Brave; signifies strength.
- Vachaspati - Lord of speech; signifies eloquence.
- Varunesh - Lord of water; signifies depth.
- Vikramjit - Brave warrior; signifies courage.
- Vishalendra - King of the vast; signifies authority.
- Vimlesh - The one who is godly; signifies divinity.
- Vraj - A name meaning "to protect"; signifies guardianship.
- Vishwanath - Lord of the universe; signifies authority.
- Vaishak - A name meaning "one who is of the spring season"; signifies renewal.
- Vatsal - Affectionate; signifies warmth.
- Vachin - One who is truthful; signifies honesty.
- Vithal - A deity; signifies divinity.
- Vivekanand - One who is blissful in wisdom; signifies enlightenment.
- Venkatesh - A name for Lord Vishnu; signifies divinity.
- Vatsalendra - Lord of affection; signifies love.
- Vidar - Intelligent; signifies wisdom.
- Virendranath - Lord of the brave; signifies courage.
- Vishvashakti - Universal power; signifies strength.
- Vasant - Spring; symbolizes new beginnings.
- Vidhyadhar - One who holds knowledge; signifies wisdom.
- Vishwanathan - Lord of the universe; signifies divinity.
(W) Name
- Wahid - Unique; signifies individuality.
- Waheed - Singular, one of a kind; signifies uniqueness.
- Wasiq - Confident; signifies assurance.
- Walid - Newborn; signifies freshness.
- Waleed - One who is born; signifies new beginnings.
- Wajid - One who is found; signifies discovery.
- Wafiq - Successful; signifies achievement.
- Waqar - Dignity; signifies respect.
- Wazir - Minister; signifies leadership.
- Wahidullah - Unique servant of God; signifies devotion.
- Waleedullah - Born of God; signifies divine connection.
- Wafeeq - Successful; signifies accomplishment.
- Wasim - Handsome; signifies beauty.
- Wali - Guardian, protector; signifies safeguarding.
- Wadud - Loving; signifies affection.
- Waqarul - One who possesses dignity; signifies honor.
- Wasi - Extensive; signifies vastness.
- Wajih - Distinguished; signifies importance.
- Waasil - One who connects; signifies unity.
- Wathiq - Confident; signifies assurance.
- Wiyaz - Leader; signifies guidance.
- Wazid - Increased; signifies abundance.
- Wafid - Arriving; signifies arrival.
- Waalid - A name meaning "one who is born"; signifies new life.
- Walim - One who is knowledgeable; signifies wisdom.
- Warith - Inheritor; signifies heritage.
- Wadhwa - Brilliant; signifies brightness.
- Wasf - Description; signifies clarity.
- Wahidul - Unique servant of God; signifies devotion.
- Wazirullah - Minister of God; signifies divine service.
- Waqas - Brave; signifies courage.
- Wael - To return; signifies restoration.
- Waseem - Handsome; signifies beauty.
- Wazdan - Blessed; signifies divine favor.
- Waqif - Knowledgeable; signifies intelligence.
- Waith - A name meaning "comfort"; signifies peace.
- Wasiqullah - Confident servant of God; signifies faith.
- Wail - One who comes back; signifies revival.
- Wafiy - Faithful; signifies loyalty.
- Walidah - One who gives birth; signifies motherhood.
- Widaa - To bid farewell; signifies parting.
- Wafas - Loyal; signifies fidelity.
- Wasif - Descriptive; signifies clarity and insight.
- Wesam - Smiling; signifies joy.
- Wird - Daily recitation; signifies spirituality.
- Walayah - Guardianship; signifies protection.
- Wadhir - Bright; signifies radiance.
- Wabid - Worshipper; signifies devotion.
- Waqt - Time; signifies moments.
- Wahidah - Unique; signifies singularity.
- Wasaaf - Exalted; signifies high status.
- Waleef - One who is close; signifies intimacy.
- Wasiq - Trustworthy; signifies reliability.
- Wariq - Dew; symbolizes freshness and renewal.
- Wadhin - Successful; signifies achievement.
- Wajahat - Honor; signifies respect.
- Walham - Kindness; signifies compassion.
- Waqtullah - Time of God; signifies divine timing.
- Wahiduddin - Unique in religion; signifies distinctive faith.
- Wahidiyat - Uniqueness; signifies individuality.
- Wamar - Commander; signifies leadership.
- Wafidah - One who is arriving; signifies arrival.
- Wamith - Someone who is like; signifies similarity.
- Wadhir - Radiant; signifies brightness.
- Wafiqullah - Successful servant of God; signifies divine blessing.
- Waqasullah - Brave servant of God; signifies faith and courage.
- Waleedah - Newborn; signifies freshness.
- Wasfi - Descriptive; signifies clarity.
- Wihdat - Unity; signifies togetherness.
- Wahhab - Bestower; signifies generosity.
- Wadih - Clear, evident; signifies transparency.
- Waqarullah - Dignity of God; signifies reverence.
- Waqid - Warmer; signifies warmth.
- Warfiz - Brightness; signifies illumination.
- Wafi - Complete; signifies fulfillment.
- Wadid - One who is joyful; signifies happiness.
- Wafaa - Loyalty; signifies devotion.
- Wafer - One who brings goodness; signifies positivity.
- Wadhwa - Light; signifies brightness.
- Waleef - Close friend; signifies companionship.
- Waliyy - Protector; signifies guardianship.
- Waqqas - Brave; signifies courage.
- Walim - Knowledgeable; signifies wisdom.
- Wamish - Knowledgeable; signifies intelligence.
- Wasan - Beautiful; signifies attractiveness.
- Waheed - Unique; signifies singularity.
- Wajidullah - The one who finds God; signifies spiritual discovery.
- Waqi - One who is present; signifies existence.
- Wafiq - Successful; signifies accomplishment.
- Wudud - Affectionate; signifies love.
- Wadil - A name meaning "one who is virtuous"; signifies goodness.
- Wazi - One who is clear; signifies transparency.
- Wamiq - Love; signifies affection.
- Wadha - Clarity; signifies transparency.
- Wasiq - Confident; signifies assurance.
- Wabid - Worshipper; signifies devotion.
- Wahdi - Unique; signifies singularity.
- Wamiq - Lover; signifies affection.
- Wadhir - Bright; signifies illumination.
- Walid - Newborn; signifies freshness.
(X) Name
- Xabir - Brave, strong
- Xafir - The one who brings joy
- Xahid - Ascetic, one who renounces worldly pleasures
- Xayal - Imagination, fantasy
- Xayir - Goodness, virtue
- Xan - A name of a ruler or king
- Xaseem - Generous
- Xazim - Resolute, determined
- Xibaar - News, report
- Xiqal - A person of wisdom
- Xurshid - Sun
- Xalil - Friend, companion
- Xanif - One who is upright in faith
- Xayl - Horse
- Xamar - A person with noble qualities
- Xanith - Noble, honorable
- Xayaan - Someone who is caring
- Xamid - The one who brings peace
- Xafiz - Guardian, protector
- Xanay - A joyful person
- Xehar - Bright, luminous
- Xarif - A person who is clever
- Xaym - Peaceful
- Xushal - Happy, joyful
- Xaman - A person of good character
- Xijar - An affectionate person
- Xayron - Good-hearted
- Xun - To be kind-hearted
- Xist - One who is righteous
- Xazal - One who is compassionate
- Xail - Strength, power
- Xehwan - To be truthful
- Xasha - Kindness
- Xanir - Light, illumination
- Xabaan - Bravery
- Xasif - A leader
- Xazaar - The one who gathers knowledge
- Xemran - Happy, cheerful
- Xurfan - Noble and brave
- Xand - A protector
- Xadir - Helper
- Xikram - Generosity
- Xausar - A person of dignity
- Xarin - The one who is merciful
- Xawash - A person with a big heart
- Xayran - Happiness
- Xazmir - Bright and shining
- Xenor - A person of integrity
- Xuja - Resilient, tough
- Xahab - Someone who excels
- Xudai - A leader
- Xudhiyah - One who is pious
- Xalif - A wise leader
- Xanif - Someone who has faith
- Xamzar - Gifted, talented
- Xazim - Firm, steadfast
- Xayrak - Blessed
- Xusain - Beautiful
- Xibraan - A source of happiness
- Xadhaan - Strong-willed
- Xanjan - Gifted
- Xayim - A loving person
- Xudwan - A fortunate individual
- Xadeer - Daring
- Xarshid - A person who is brilliant
- Xanwar - Brave warrior
- Xujra - Pure, clean
- Xamaad - One who leads with kindness
- Xallab - One who is skilled
- Xatrik - Charming
- Xiyyan - Understanding
- Xunha - Respected
- Xarfa - Sharp-witted
- Xudari - Kind and gentle
- Xabiyah - One who is wise
- Xudar - One who is exceptional
- Xanayil - Joyful and cheerful
- Xalib - Powerful
- Xarukh - Intelligent
- Xanifa - One who has a firm belief
- Xayd - Prosperous
- Xiham - Charitable
- Xakir - Grateful
- Xalwani - Joyful and energetic
- Xunfaza - Strong and resilient
- Xushar - Content, satisfied
- Xisham - Wise leader
- Xudaira - Compassionate
- Xadman - One who is confident
- Xalim - The patient one
- Xamim - Gentle
- Xayif - Caring
- Xikrim - A person with strong values
- Xumaad - Happy and cheerful
- Xuqran - One who appreciates
- Xariq - Prosperous
- Ximran - One who excels in learning
- Ximad - Charitable and giving
- Xibran - Brave warrior
- Xilman - One who is wise and clever
(Y) Name
- Yasir - Easy, wealthy; signifies ease and prosperity.
- Yusuf - God increases; a prominent prophet in Islam.
- Yazid - To increase, to grow; signifies growth.
- Yahya - To live; signifies life.
- Yunus - A dove; the name of a prophet (Jonah).
- Yaseen - The name of a chapter in the Quran; signifies a blessed person.
- Yamun - A river; signifies purity.
- Yasir - One who is easy-going; signifies tranquility.
- Yashar - One who is always happy; signifies joy.
- Yasin - The name of a chapter in the Quran; signifies honor.
- Yaqin - Certainty; signifies assurance in faith.
- Yasmeen - Jasmine flower; signifies beauty and delicacy.
- Yazdan - God; signifies divinity.
- Yawar - Helper; signifies support.
- Yousuf - God will increase; a variation of Yusuf.
- Yaseem - Fragrance; signifies sweetness.
- Yasaf - To increase; signifies growth.
- Yarham - Merciful; signifies compassion.
- Yamin - Right-hand side; signifies righteousness.
- Yusufzai - Son of Yusuf; signifies lineage.
- Yaqoob - To follow; a name of a prophet (Jacob).
- Yazir - Victorious; signifies success.
- Yahya - To live; signifies life.
- Yunus - One who is wise; signifies wisdom.
- Yazeed - To increase; signifies growth.
- Yaqoub - A name of a prophet (Jacob).
- Yanal - To obtain; signifies achievement.
- Yazidullah - God will increase; signifies divine blessing.
- Yalal - A name meaning "gift"; signifies generosity.
- Yafas - To shine; signifies brightness.
- Yushar - One who brings happiness; signifies joy.
- Yasif - One who increases; signifies growth.
- Yamun - A river; signifies purity.
- Yaqinullah - Certainty of God; signifies faith.
- Yasirullah - God has made it easy; signifies divine assistance.
- Yameen - Right-hand side; signifies blessing.
- Yawer - One who assists; signifies support.
- Yahyaullah - God gives life; signifies divine blessing.
- Yahwe - God is gracious; signifies divine favor.
- Yasifullah - God increases; signifies divine abundance.
- Yahiya - One who lives; signifies life.
- Yameer - Leader; signifies guidance.
- Yamish - Ruler; signifies authority.
- Yousef - God increases; a variation of Yusuf.
- Yasiriy - Easy-going; signifies tranquility.
- Yali - Elevated; signifies high status.
- Yasaf - To grow; signifies development.
- Yazir - Brave; signifies courage.
- Yuhanna - God is gracious; signifies divine favor.
- Yahan - Here; signifies presence.
- Yashu - He will save; signifies salvation.
- Yaqt - Time; signifies moments.
- Yahyauddin - The living one of the faith; signifies spiritual life.
- Yafa - To ascend; signifies elevation.
- Yazdan - The one who gives; signifies generosity.
- Yahbad - He who praises; signifies gratitude.
- Yashvin - Victorious; signifies success.
- Yujin - To gain; signifies achievement.
- Yahyaaz - A variant of Yahya; signifies life.
- Yaman - Right; signifies righteousness.
- Yumna - Right hand; signifies blessings.
- Yadullah - Hand of God; signifies divine support.
- Yasub - One who is good; signifies virtue.
- Yumer - Happy; signifies joy.
- Yashar - One who is always happy; signifies joy.
- Yasser - One who is prosperous; signifies success.
- Yashwanth - One who is victorious; signifies achievement.
- Yasif - Increasing; signifies growth.
- Yaqaaz - Alertness; signifies awareness.
- Yukub - To arrive; signifies presence.
- Yabir - One who is intelligent; signifies wisdom.
- Yaqob - A name meaning "to follow"; signifies loyalty.
- Yuman - Wealthy; signifies affluence.
- Yahli - One who is honest; signifies integrity.
- Yaswanth - One who is noble; signifies honor.
- Yasif - One who increases; signifies growth.
- Yamaar - One who is brave; signifies courage.
- Yashik - One who is intelligent; signifies wisdom.
- Yusufazai - Son of Yusuf; signifies lineage.
- Yasar - One who is easy; signifies simplicity.
- Yishaq - A name meaning "he will laugh"; signifies joy.
- Yazi - One who is creative; signifies originality.
- Yasifullah - God increases; signifies divine blessing.
- Yahli - One who is noble; signifies virtue.
- Yahmood - Grateful; signifies appreciation.
- Yazd - To increase; signifies growth.
- Yumin - Faithful; signifies loyalty.
- Yaqbi - A name meaning "to follow"; signifies loyalty.
- Yaliz - One who brings joy; signifies happiness.
- Yamaar - Strong; signifies resilience.
- Yavan - A name meaning "young"; signifies youthfulness.
- Yavuz - A name meaning "strong"; signifies strength.
- Yashas - One who is prosperous; signifies success.
- Yaqin - Certainty; signifies assurance in faith.
- Yamin - Right-hand side; signifies righteousness.
- Yardam - A name meaning "to help"; signifies support.
- Yavuz - Strong; signifies resilience.
- Yankul - One who flourishes; signifies growth.
- Yahdiy - To guide; signifies leadership.
- Yusri - Easy; signifies simplicity.
(Z) Name
- Zaid - Growth, abundance; signifies increase.
- Zain - Beauty, grace; signifies attractiveness.
- Zakir - Remembering; signifies mindfulness of God.
- Zubair - Strong; signifies strength and bravery.
- Zeeshan - Dignified, esteemed; signifies respect.
- Zahid - Ascetic, one who renounces worldly pleasures; signifies spirituality.
- Zafir - Victorious; signifies success.
- Zaki - Pure, virtuous; signifies cleanliness of the heart.
- Zarif - Elegant, witty; signifies charm.
- Zahir - Radiant, bright; signifies clarity.
- Zidan - Growth, abundance; signifies prosperity.
- Zaroon - Traveler; signifies exploration.
- Zeeshan - One who has a high status; signifies honor.
- Zahid - One who is self-denying; signifies modesty.
- Zair - Visitor; signifies a traveler or guest.
- Zainul - The beauty of; signifies adornment.
- Zaman - Time, era; signifies a significant period.
- Zainulabidin - Beauty of the worshippers; signifies devotion.
- Zalal - To flourish; signifies growth.
- Zareef - Clever, witty; signifies intelligence.
- Zareef - Charming; signifies attractiveness.
- Zuhair - Bright, luminous; signifies radiance.
- Zarif - A name meaning "elegant"; signifies sophistication.
- Zulfiqar - Sword of Ali; signifies strength and bravery.
- Zakiullah - Pure servant of God; signifies devotion.
- Zubaid - Noble; signifies high status.
- Zaqi - Intelligent; signifies wisdom.
- Zanif - Gifted; signifies talent.
- Zorash - Radiant; signifies brightness.
- Zafran - Saffron; signifies uniqueness and beauty.
- Zuhdi - One who is ascetic; signifies spirituality.
- Zaineb - Father’s glory; signifies honor.
- Zunair - A name meaning "light"; signifies brightness.
- Zayid - One who increases; signifies growth.
- Zawahir - Blossom; signifies beauty.
- Zareen - Golden; signifies wealth.
- Zahran - A name meaning "flower"; signifies beauty.
- Zamzama - A name meaning "echo"; signifies resonance.
- Zuhd - Asceticism; signifies renunciation of worldly things.
- Zahir - To shine; signifies radiance.
- Zaki - Intelligent; signifies wisdom.
- Zaira - Shining; signifies brightness.
- Zahir - Bright, shining; signifies clarity.
- Zafran - Saffron; signifies uniqueness and beauty.
- Zargham - Lion; signifies bravery.
- Zubayd - Noble; signifies high status.
- Zufar - The one who is victorious; signifies success.
- Zafaar - To be victorious; signifies triumph.
- Zishan - Possessing grace; signifies elegance.
- Zikra - To remember; signifies mindfulness.
- Zuhra - Flower; signifies beauty and freshness.
- Zebar - Exalted; signifies high status.
- Zunair - Brightness; signifies illumination.
- Zafar - Victory; signifies success.
- Zia - Light, glow; signifies brightness.
- Zorash - To shine; signifies brilliance.
- Zareef - Witty; signifies cleverness.
- Zarir - One who brings joy; signifies happiness.
- Zibra - One who is noble; signifies honor.
- Zamzam - Name of a holy well; signifies spirituality.
- Zabir - Patient; signifies endurance.
- Zayan - Adorned; signifies beauty.
- Zamal - To prosper; signifies success.
- Zohair - Bright; signifies radiance.
- Zuhair - A name meaning "bright"; signifies brilliance.
- Ziyad - Growth; signifies increase.
- Zafay - One who has mercy; signifies compassion.
- Zanash - A name meaning "flower"; signifies beauty.
- Zabeer - Wise; signifies intelligence.
- Zarwan - One who is wise; signifies wisdom.
- Ziyaad - To grow; signifies growth.
- Zulfiqar - Name of Ali's sword; signifies strength.
- Zubair - Strong; signifies resilience.
- Zikri - One who remembers; signifies mindfulness.
- Zulqarnain - He who has two horns; a historical figure.
- Zahi - Lively, bright; signifies vibrancy.
- Zunair - Light; signifies brightness.
- Zarif - Elegant; signifies refinement.
- Zaur - Brave; signifies courage.
- Zad - Prosperity; signifies abundance.
- Zaraf - One who brings joy; signifies happiness.
- Zuhar - Radiant; signifies brightness.
- Zaki - Pure; signifies cleanliness.
- Zayb - Decoration; signifies adornment.
- Zarir - To shine; signifies brilliance.
- Zimran - Joyful; signifies happiness.
- Zina - Beautiful; signifies beauty.
- Zahra - Flower; signifies beauty and freshness.
- Zirak - Intelligent; signifies wisdom.
- Zuleikha - Beautiful; signifies attractiveness.
- Zajir - One who brings good news; signifies positivity.
- Zarin - Golden; signifies wealth.
- Zunar - A name meaning "to shine"; signifies brightness.
- Ziyal - Light; signifies illumination.
- Zikri - To remember; signifies mindfulness.
- Zali - Brave; signifies courage.
- Zard - Yellow; signifies warmth.
- Zamin - Earth; signifies groundedness.
- Zabir - He who is strong; signifies resilience.
- Zameer - Conscience; signifies morality.